Class 8 News


Cyber Civics

The start of the term has seen us diving deep into the concept of Cyber Civics for our first Main Lesson. This includes a broad overview of our students being online - the opportunities as well as the dangers, particularly arising with the ever present social media - and to become responsible adults when it comes to digital content.


The students will also explore how to retain their digital reputation and to form an educated decision on whether an article or post online is standing up to the scrutiny of our own online research.


Last but not least, the unit also covers the skills and craft of public speaking - a useful input for the end of year presentations of our Class 8 Major Project.


We have also started reading a novel: King of the Shadows by Susan Cooper.

This should provide the students with a taste for the Shakespeare main lesson later this term with Katy Egger, as well as our play in Term 3.


Mathematics this term is focusing on numbers and algebraic terms, a run up for the students to be proficient in higher mathematical skills for solving problems later on in the year.


Our Class 8 Projects are now well underway to move towards the next stage of doing actual work and be creative.


Should you as parents or caregivers not have signed the 'Contract' yet, please do so at your earliest convenience and return it to me.


Best wishes,
