Class 6 News


Ancient Rome

Term 2 is off to a flying start! We have begun with our second Ancient Rome main lesson which will take us through the fall of Rome. Why do we study Ancient Rome in Class 6 in Steiner schools?


The study of Ancient Rome provides the theme and key Main Lessons of Class 6, integrating language and literature, geography, science and art. The sense of order of the Roman world particularly addresses the needs of the Class 6 child now standing at the threshold of adolescence. The study of Ancient Rome gives a picture of a people establishing a new relationship with the world, separating themselves from their gods and learning to develop their own laws and structures. 


The lessons span the historical distance between the mythical world and events whose monuments stand in our own time. From the legend of Romulus and Remus studies move to biographies of flesh and blood figures of history and the exploration of everyday life. Studies cover the period from the founding of Rome to its fall and lead on to the study of the rise of Christianity and Islam and the Arthurian legends. 


It is possible to treat wars in ancient times from a cultural-historical perspective…..You must describe the constitution of Lycurgus and , for example, the difference between the Athenian and Spartan way of life…with regard to the Roman constitution you must awaken the picture that every Roman was a law-fanatic and could count up the laws on his fingers. The Twelve Table Laws were taught there as the multiplication tables are taught in our times. 

Rudolf Steiner: Lecture 25.9.1919 


 “….Rome! ‘tis thine alone with awful sway, 

To rule mankind and make the world obey, 

 Disposing peace and war thine own majestic way. 

To tame the proud, the fettered slave to free, 

These are imperial arts and worthy thee.”   



We have been enjoying our time in the garden now that the temperatures have finally dropped.  The seedlings we have lovingly planted have begun to sprout so we will be anticipating all of the treats from the garden!   



Our Geology incursion from the Australia Earth Science Education group was fantastic!  He did a presentation on lava and volcanoes which was informational and hands-on.  The students participated in an experiment on viscosity, which turned out to be a lesson in creating experiments that are valid and fair.  Excellent preparation for our upcoming Physics lessons!  



I hope you all have a peaceful week and have the strength to withstand all that life may throw at you!


