Parents and Friends

Dear families,


Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mum’s and special people in our school community!


Purchases from the Mother’s Day Stall were sent home with students yesterday. Thanks to the businesses who supported the stall, we had great gift options on offer.


We are looking forward to the Mother’s Day Celebration to be held tomorrow morning following the School Assembly.  It will be a nice chance for mothers and special people in our school community to get together and enjoy a morning tea.


We held a P&F Meeting last week. It would be great to see more support from the school community - please make contact if you have any ideas or feedback.


Jess                                    Jacklyn

President                          Secretary


Calendar of events – Term 2

  • Mother’s Day Celebration - Friday, 10th May 9.30am-10.30am
  • Walk Safely to School Day - Friday, 17th May
  • Pizza Party - Wednesday, 19th June [to be confirmed]

Save the date - Term 3

  • Book Week Dress Up Parade - Coffee Van - 16 August 2024
  • Father’s Day Stall - August 2024
  • Father’s Day Celebration - 8.50am - 10am - Friday 30 August 2024


Keep an eye on the calendar in the Simon app - events are also added in here



Jess Doyle (President) and Jacklyn Lamb (Secretary)


Current events and fundraisers

Mother’s Day Celebration

St Brendan's P&F invites Mothers, Grandmothers and other special mother figures to the Mother’s Day Celebration.


Thank you to those Mums and Mum figures who RSVP'd to come along to celebrate with other special mother figures in our school community.  Have a hot drink and share a light morning tea following the assembly.


Prior to Assembly Friday morning, get a photo with your children with the Mother’s Day frame in the courtyard.


Date:           Friday, 10th May, 2024

Time:           9.30am - 10.30am, following Assembly

Location:    School Hall


Thank you to the school for arranging this celebration.


Walk Safely to School Day

Friday, 17th May 2024

Walk Safely to School Day is held on 10th May this year, but as we are having our Mother’s Day Celebration we encourage families to try to actively travel to school on Friday, 17th May 2024.


Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, it’s quite easy to figure out how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine. 


You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by: 

  • Walking with them the whole way to school 
  • If you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of the way. 


Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes. 

It also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic. 


Father’s Day Stall

Start thinking about ideas of products for the Father’s Day Stall. The Stall will be held in August 2024.


Contact the P&F on if you have any ideas.


Review of events and fundraisers


Mother’s Day Stall 

Thank you to those who supported the Mother’s Day Stall. There were some great gift options and we hope these are enjoyed by the recipients. 


We raised around $300 from the stall which we will be able to put towards additional resources at school.


We were pleased to have the support of the following businesses for the stall:

  • Billabong Nursery
  • Bethany Lea Handmade Clay Creations
  • Making Scents with Tiff
  • Talented parents – Bianca Lane, Jess Doyle, Keira Peatling


Thank you to the parents who assisted in packing the orders to be sent home with students yesterday.


Ongoing Fundraisers

My Name Label




Committee Updates & Information

Contact details for Parents and Friends

President:      Jess Doyle

Secretary:      Jacklyn Lamb

Committee Members:  Katie Mills, Pat Goyne, Keira Peatling, Bianca Lane




Next P&F Meeting - Term 2


The P&F held a Meeting on Wednesday, 1st May from 2.30pm-3.15pm. This was a chance to discuss the final planning of the Mother’s Day Stall and Mother’s Day Celebration, as well as other Term 2 activities.


We would like more input from families on a social activity for students this term.  A Pizza Party on Wednesday, 19th June is proposed. 


Get in contact via email to let us know your thoughts and ideas for this event.


The next meeting of the P&F will be held in Term 3 on Wednesday, 31st July 2024, from 2.30pm - 3.15pm.  Please try to come along to show your support for the P&F. 


The P&F can only operate with input from the school community


Register to be a volunteer

If you have a few hours to spare during the year and would like to get involved in the school community please register your interest to be involved as a parent helper through the P&F.


You can register your interest via email

*Volunteer requirements*


Volunteers must hold a current Working With Children’s Check.  These details must be supplied to the school office to also be held confidentially. WWCC’s are free for volunteers, you can apply through the Working With Children Check Victoria website.


Business interest

Do you own/run a business, or know of a business, that may be interested in being involved in supporting the school community through fundraisers, sponsorship, in-kind support or at events?


Please contact the P&F by email to register your interest.   We are very interested in working with our school community and building connections with family