Star Student Awards

Star Students for the Fortnight

( Week 3 and Week 4 ) 


Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:


Mrs Wardle:

Garla Elsley for coming into school with a smile on her face each morning. 

Well done Garla, keep up the great work!

Agum Riak for gaining confidence with her reading. 

Great job, Agum!

Mrs Weber:

Jiaan Gill for using his initial sounds to help him decode words when reading.

 Awesome work Jiaan!

Matilda Kiel for being a wonderful mathematician by measuring the 

length of her wooly worms using unifix blocks. 

Well done Matilda!

Mr Maskell:

James Lamb for continuing to promote learning,

 listening and leadership in and around the classroom.

Well done James.

Naomi Prenzler for working really hard and trying her best in numeracy, 

reading and writing. 

Mrs Nicholson:

Imogen Harris for persisting with her letter writing and adding in more ideas to make it more persuasive.  Well done Imogen!

Ava Laity for persisting with her writing and contributing to class discussions.  

Keep up the good work Ava!

Mrs Drummond:

Thinula Wickramarajafor always completing his work to a high standard and

for being a great illustrator. Your drawings are amazing. 

Well done! 

Sophie Durston for always completing her work to a high standard and for being a great role model in our class! Well done Sophie!! 

Mr Andronaco:

Mubarak Koko for developing his handwriting and writing within the lines. 

Violet Magill for always completing her walk to a high standard. 

Keep up the great work!


Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Maria Solymanfor the excellent effort you have been putting into your reading. 

You are being a great example for your peers, keep it up!

Sylvia Dickins for her excellent problem solving skills and 

fixing our inquiry wall in the classroom. 

Well done, Sylvia!

Mrs Anderson:

Sajad Ahmadi for his maths work using the app ‘Show Me’. 

Sajad was able to display and explain how to use an array, repeated addition when completing a multiplication equation. 

Daniel Yel for putting time and effort into his narrative writing.

Well Done, Daniel!

Mr O'Hara:

Milly Ash for her carefully made ant to accompany our class text “Hey Little Ant”

Great work Milly!

Benji Kaufusi for completing his work without talking or distracting anyone. 

Keep it up Benji!

Mrs Dainton:

Aaron for his variation in his Writing of the narrative pieces. 

Aaron has many creative and imaginative ideas and can 

sequence his stories for his audience.

Well Done Aaron!

Mia Smith for her creative slideshows and her willingness to help all her classmates .

Well Done Mia !

Mr Howley:

Aria Nicholson for her very good writing in her story about boats. 

Very creative ideas and spacing of words.

Sara Tawde for her continued neat presentation of her work. 

Sara has demonstrated excellent joining of her letters in writing.


Senior Years

Mr Lindon:

Ocean Nguyen for his excellent work in writing. 

Using creative ideas, paragraphs and accurate spelling has

resulted in him producing fantastic work! 

Philip Mispati: With his huge smile, has continued to be a great role model in our classroom. Great job! 

Mr Beks:

Lily Giuliani: with her huge smile and intriguing laugh has continued to be a great role model in our classroom. Great job!

Fabian Rillstonehas continued to show our classroom values, he is always on task and brings a happy and positive vibe to our environment!

Well Done!

Mr Poppa:

Elaina Lancaster:  Well done Elaina on your amazing reading and 

effort to be the best learner you can be.  


Mr Searle:

Macie Gooiker:  Macie has continued to show our classroom values. 

She is always on task and brings a happy and positive vibe to our environment!

Well Done Macie

Miss Casey/Mr Quinn:

Jadden Untalasco: For his excellent work in Mathematics, especially his great knowledge and understanding of his times tables. 

Great work Jadden! 

Scarlett Kelly for always having a positive mindset with each section of the day. 

You always have a big smile on your face. 

Keep it up Scarlett!