Catholic Identity


Celebrating our 2024 School Theme 

~ Behold I Make All Things New ~


Last week we celebrated Catholic Education by reflecting on our new school theme for this year-Behold, I Make All Things New, from the book of Revelation. With Revelations being the final book in the Bible, there was a sense of beginning and end, of prophecy and fulfillment. 


Our 2024 theme is not so much about creating new things or “starting from scratch” as it is about finding new ways to give meaning to and celebrate what is precious in our Catholic traditions already.


During the week we posted photos on our Face Book Page to reflect on Catholic Education and how lucky we are to have a school with beautiful facilities and a welcoming community which all inspire our students to flourish in faith, friendships, the arts, sports and academics. 


To get the week started off, we changed our bell music changed to this year’s school theme and the Sandhurst Ltd song.  After lunch and recess our students walked to their classes to the tune of ‘BEHOLD I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW’ composed by Andrew Chinn.


A beautiful Assembly prayer was held in the courtyard last Friday, with 3/ 4 Dainton, Howley and O’Hara students presenting beautiful prayers and readings.   To change things up and make all things new, the whole school faced the playground during the assembly prayer presentation with the students presenting standing on the hill facing the rest of the school. 




God of new beginnings, new ideas, new creations and new hopes.


We come to you at the beginning of this year with many feelings, expectations, hopes and dreams.


Help us to recognise that we are given NEW opportunities to hope, to create, to think and to begin again each and every day.


Help us to accept these opportunities as ways for us to grow as an individual, as a student and a learner, as a friend, as a community member, as a follower of Jesus.


This we ask through Christ our Lord,







Sunday, 5th May


St Brendan's Parish recently celebrated St Brendan's Feast Day with an amazing EXPO in the Mons Bones Hall, showcasing the varied Ministries within our Parish. 


There was plenty to see, lots of delicious food to enjoy and our amazing St Brendan’s students shone brightly, singing songs to entertain the crowds. 


THANK YOU TO ALL OUR AMAZING FAMILIES and your beautiful children for attending the EXPO and enjoying the St Brendan’s Community Spirit.


It was a fabulous event.  Thanks to everyone who poured their time and efforts into creating such a wonderful community event.





Father Joe gift presentation 

for 50 Years as a Priest


All families are invited next Thursday, 

16th May in our School Courtyard at 2.45pm.




Father Joe’s Golden Jubilee



Weekend Mass Invitation!

Attending Mass over the weekend builds our connection to our Parish community and nourishes our faith and love for God. 


We welcome all families, especially the families of students preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation in 2024, to Mass each weekend!


Our Parish  Mass times at St Brendan’s Church are:

Saturdays at 6.00pm.

Sundays at 8am or 11am.



We invite all school families, especially our 2024 Sacramental families, to our Parish Mases. 


Coming up, Sunday, 19th May - Pentecost Sunday! 


Wear red to this special mass!! 

Mark it on your calendar now!


Our students across the school are currently learning about the Holy Spirit and Pentecost following our core planning document The Source Of Life. Perhaps you might like to ask your child; 


What happened on Pentecost Sunday? 

Why is it such a special mass?




Kind Regards,

Leanne Pellegrino (Catholic Identity Leader)