Prayer & Acknowledgment

Mother's Day


We pray for all our mum's and special people in our lives. 

The little things they do for our children are the most treasured.


Loving God, we thank you for all mothers, for all that they share with us, and do for us. 

We thank you especially for our mother's love, which is always there for us. 

Jesus cared for and loved his own mother, 

Mary; we ask you to help s always to appreciate and love our mothers.


(The Australian children's Prayer Book)



The month of MAY for Mary



The month of May has been traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary for several centuries. Mary is honoured during the entire month.


Every Thursday in the St Brendan’s Church at 7pm there is a Holy Hour held in the Marian Chapel and every Friday at 5pm there is Adoration held in the Marian Chapel, for anyone interested.




Acknowledgment of Country

St. Brendan's Primary School acknowledges and

 pays respect to the Yorta Yorta Nation, 

as the original ongoing custodians of 

the land we meet on.  

We commit ourselves to actively working alongside

 Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.