Around The College

College Photos
College Photos are scheduled for Week 2, Term 2:
- Thursday 9 May
- Friday 10 May
Students will be expected to be in full winter uniform (no jumper will be required). For Preschool, students require a maroon polo shirt and navy pants or skort.
Order forms were sent home last week.
Term 2 marks a change in uniform from Summer to Winter. Please take careful note of the logo on your child's sports shirt, white shirt and jacket. If you would like clarification on what uniform is required for your child's stage please click through to the Uniform List on the College website.
We understand the pressures of purchasing new uniforms. If you have questions or need assistance then please contact the Community Team (
Uniform donations are warmly welcomed and all donations can be made through the College Office.
This week the Second Hand Uniform Shop is open in the TLA foyer:
- Thursday 9 May 3:00 - 4:00pm