Lovin' Sports

Primary Netball NSW Schools Cup
The Primary Netball Gala day was a huge success with the most teams the College has ever entered! We had five teams competing both in the competitive and non-competitive categories. For some, it was a chance to showcase their skills and abilities and for others, it was a wonderful chance to give the game of netball a go.
The students had an amazing day, everyone was joyful and encouraging of their teammates. We had some great results with our Avalanche team only missing out on progressing to the next stage by 4 points. There was some tough defence, quick intercepts, smooth shooting and quick passes.
Our Year 7, 8 and 9 girls who umpired and helped coach on the day were outstanding, showing extensive netball knowledge, strong leadership and compassion for others.
Overall, a wonderful day of Netball and the students are looking forward to the next one!
Secondary Netball NSW Schools Cup
Year 7/8 boys and girls and Year 9/10 boys participated in the Netball NSW Cup on Thursday. This was a great day of competition, the students had trained hard for this and the improvement was evident. Students cheered on one another and were supportive of their teams, they were also great ambassadors for our school in their Christian sportsmanship, behaviour, and attitude.
The Year 9/10 boys won every game convincingly, the Year 7/8 boys had no subs and only lost one game, and the Year 7/8 girls won some and lost some.
Special mention to all for their accurate shooting skills and the strong defence, particularly Hugh and Joe in the Year 9/10 team.
Congratulations to both boys teams as they are progressing to the next level at Regionals in September!
A huge thanks to our amazing umpires, and scorer, without their commitment none of this is possible! Well done to all, Mrs Vidler and Mrs Johnson are super proud!