Principal's Press

Photo Day
Just a reminder for everyone to look their best in full winter uniform for photo day on Thursday and Friday. Uniforms are available at Lowes or the Second-hand Uniform Shop. Photo envelopes to order your photos have been sent home with your children. Please contact the office if you didn’t get your envelope, orders are made online or by cash in the envelope provided.
Da Vinci Decathlon
Last week we had four teams participate in the Da Vinci Decathlon competition at TRAC. The teams had to compete in a series of topics ranging from Cartography to Code Breaking. A big congratulations to our Year 7 team who won their competition and our Year 5 team who came third.
Faith in Our Future
The Australian Association of Christian Schools and Christian Schools Australia continue to work on our behalf in lobbying the government to ensure that we are able to employ Christian staff in our schools. Our Christian staff are an incredibly significant part of why parents and students choose schools like ours as we can stand together with Christian beliefs and values. Losing the right to employ only Christian staff would be a fundamental change to our school being able to be the type of community that it was created to be by the founding families. There are lots of great ways that you can support the campaign check out the My Christian School - My Christian School for ideas.
Mrs Lisa Dumicich
Interim Principal