Celebrating Neurodiversity at FPS

Celebrating Neurodiversity at FPS

Last week, FPS students and teachers actively participated in our very first Neurodiversity Awareness and Celebration Day.


We, at FPS, believe that neurodiversity should be recognized and respected as any other human variation when it comes to inclusion. Our brains are wired differently, and therefore, we think, move, process information, and communicate in various ways. The term neurodiversity encompasses alternative thinking styles like Dyslexia, DCD (Dyspraxia), Dyscalculia, Autism, and ADHD. Regardless of the labels, it's crucial to acknowledge that everyone thinks differently, and FPS can indeed benefit from such diverse thinkers!


We would like to extend our congratulations and gratitude to Year 6 students Sadie, and her mum Vic, for their hard work outside of school hours in sourcing information and resources for the lessons. Sadie is a proud member of the neurodivergent community who proposed this celebration and collaborated with teachers to create the activities and resources for the event. If you missed it, please check out Sadie's write-up in the previous Newsletter.

Celebrating neurodiversity
Foundation & Year 1 activity
Foundation & Year 1 activity
Year 6 poster
Celebrating neurodiversity
Foundation & Year 1 activity
Foundation & Year 1 activity
Year 6 poster


Students also enjoyed wearing an outfit that represented the ‘inner you’. The playground was a sea of diverse representations including everything from sporting gear to comfy pyjamas. Please take some time to view two of the videos that students watched and explore some of the lesson activities that students from various grades worked through.


We look forward to continuing this special day in future.