We are very fortunate to have access to the Cyber Safety Project’s online webinar series this year. There are 6 different sessions being held throughout the year and they contain valuable information and helpful strategies for families. We encourage you to watch the first three, available now until the end of the year or register for upcoming sessions using this link:
We started Term 2 in Technology with all year levels revisiting online safety and digital wellbeing. We completed lessons from the Cyber Safety Project and remembered what we learnt from the Term 1 incursion.
During the first part of this term, the prep students are learning that an algorithm is a set of instructions that must be completed in order. We are using coding puzzle tiles in small groups, Beebot robots and coding programs on the Chromebooks to practise our coding skills.
Grade 1 and 2 students are also exploring coding this term and are having lots of fun on Scratch Jr. They are learning how to make their sprite (character) move and are creating a story to go with their code. We are also discussing bugs (problems with the code) and how to debug. Many students have told us they have Scratch on a device at home - this is a great way to keep practising!
This term the Grade 3 and 4s are having lots of fun doing Food Tech! We have cooked Chinese Spring Onion Pancakes in the kitchen - using spring onions from our school garden. The feedback was that they were delicious! We are also considering where food comes from and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.
We are having lots of fun in Grade 5 and 6 with robotics! Students are using the robots to consolidate their understanding of digital systems and the various input/output parts these devices have to send or receive data. Students are also learning how to code their robot in order to make it move. We are also challenging ourselves with the various sensors the robots have that can detect color and objects in its path.
The Tech team.