Grade Three

The Grade 3’s have had an outstanding start to Term 2! After the school holidays the students have been engaged with their learning and have produced some outstanding work.
In English students have been taken out of this world to learn about recount writing. To begin, students were taught how to research on the Chromebooks and write facts using their own words. The topic has been about space, so make sure you ask your child some facts about the 8 planets. From here students are in the middle of turning their facts into a fictional recount. Keep your eyes peeled for their finished products in their Writer’s Gift folders at the end of the year!
We have started off the term with our Mario Kart unit in maths, which has been a huge hit! Students have been learning about units of measurement to apply to kart and track designs. They have had the ability to show their creative side by creating an 8-bit character, obstacle course and go kart to race. May the fastest person win the race! Students have also started practicing their times tables.
Our Integrated topic this term is Change. We are starting off by exploring the changes in our school environment from 1996 to 2024. The students have been surprised by a variety of changes throughout the school, including the amount of classrooms we have now and the old gym being in the technology space! Our upcoming excursion to Old Gippstown in week 7 will showcase more change over time.
The Grade 3 Team