Principal Update

Thursday 18 April
Welcome to Term 2. We hope everyone managed to enjoy some quality time together with family and friends over Easter and the term break.
You may have noticed some familiar faces along Belgrave-Gembrook Rd between school and Clematis as we look to advertise for future enrolments. Last term families received our new brochures which we are looking forward to sharing with local kinders and child care centres.
Junior Information Evening
Last night we held our Junior Information Evening and we would like to acknowledge and thank those that could attend for their time. It was pleasing to see the students teaching their mums and dads what they do each day. We are very proud of the progress being made and the confidence being created in our students. A copy of the presentation will be sent out to all families.
Thanks to Mandy and Natalie for their energy and efforts getting it organised.
Let’s Talk
Our Let’s Talk buddies are out and about each recess and lunch in bright pink providing an opportunity for students to connect with each other and look out for each other. The program is about being seen, heard and valued and will complement the social and emotional wellbeing curriculum we teach at school.
We have plenty of activities to look forward to in the next couple of weeks so I encourage everyone to check the calendar page for upcoming dates.
Education Week open times to see the school in action
Education Week is being acknowledged from Monday 13 May to Friday 17 May.
This year we are welcoming all our families to come along to see our classes and specialists in action at the following times. It will also be a chance for any new families wanting to come for a school tour as well.
- Tuesday 14 May 9am – 10:30am
- Wednesday 15 May 9am – 10:30am
- Thursday 16 May 2:40pm – 3:30pm
Prep 2025 Enrolment and Term 2 School Tours
This term schools across the state begin the enrolment process for Foundation in 2025. New and existing families are invited to tour the school by making an appointment.
Year 6- Year 7 for 2025
Families of Year 6 students have received their application forms for Year 7 placement for 2025. These are due by Friday 10 May. Please contact Daniel, Sonya or Kate in the office if you have any queries.
Lest We Forget
Next week we have the opportunity to acknowledge ANZAC day and explore its meaning.
On Tuesday our School Captains and Year 5 students will represent our school community at the 25th ANZAC Ceremony for Schools at the 1000 steps. It’s a nice service which provides a great background to our involvement at Kokoda during the second world war, listen to stories, songs and poems.
Thank you in advance to Denny’s mother, Kiandra Jarrett, who will make the wreath for us to present.
A reminder that there is no school next Thursday 25 April (ANZAC day). Please note that we will have normal school on the Friday.
Thank you
Our chickens have also enjoyed the term break spending time with the Butcher family. Thanks so much for looking after them for us, it is greatly appreciated.
Welcome to Alistair
Once again, we can host preservice teachers and we have welcomed Alistair Noble to join our team for the start of term. He is working in with Sonya and 56S and has quickly developed a rapport with the students
A message from the Minister of Education
The Hon. Ben Carroll MP, Deputy Premier and Minister for Education has pre-recorded a short video message that welcomes parents and carers and speaks about the importance of the second school term for learning, along with a few helpful reminders. I encourage all families to listen in.
Dale McInerney