Principal's Report

Welcome to winter - the cold weather seems to have kicked in! A reminder to encourage the children to please dress appropriately!


Unfortunately the winter weather (rain!) has put a little delay on the running track and we hopeful that all of the building works should be completed around the school by the end of the month. I will update families via compass as they provide me with more details.


An amazing open night again at BPS last Wednesday evening. It's always a lot of fun seeing the children exploring the school and spending time in other classrooms and ticking off the activities on their passports. Thank you to Theircare for donating the hampers that we raffled off at the end of the night.

I've also enjoyed seeing so many families joining us for the 

ES Day

Last week we celebrated our wonderful Education Support staff and recognised the incredible contribution that they make to our school - they truly are stars! A few pictures of the day can be seen below. A big thank you to Nick Mcgowan MP, Blackburn High School and Jefferies-Blackburn who made donations to our celebrations.

A Day in May

We are really excited to share with all families  that coming up this Tuesday, 28th May, we are celebrating 'A day in May' as part of the Challenge Cancer charity fundraiser - as many families will know we have one of our Year 4 students, currently undergoing cancer treatment and we felt it was a wonderful charity to support given this connection to BPS.


The ‘A Day in May’ campaign raises funds annually for Challenge’s Musical Moments Trust – a scholarship which funds positive musical experiences for young children diagnosed with cancer. On Tuesday we invite students to bring a gold coin donation (or more!) and to dress as their favourite musician or rockstar or dress up with a big splash of pink!


Some ideas to come dressed as - Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Beatles, Katy Perry, NKOTB, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber, Kid Laroi, Adele, Anya Alchemy or Jack Pierce.


A huge thanks to one of our school parents who has also been able to organise a very special concert at lunchtime on Tuesday. We will have a very special performance by  Anya Alchemy and Jack Pierce from the Pierce Brothers. I believe they may have even rehearsed a new song just for BPS! We invite everyone in our community to come and join us for the concert at 1pm with donation buckets ready at the door and all donations welcomed to this wonderful cause.


Looking forward to a wonderful day and I am sure no one will guess who Mrs Shacklock will dress as! 

Mid-Year Soiree

The BPS Mid-Year Soiree is being held on Wednesday 5th June from 6.00pm in the school Gym.


The amazing Training, Concert and Symphonic bands, the Novice and Guitar Ensembles and the BPS Choir will all be performing. Please come along and enjoy a wonderful evening of music!


Please purchase tickets through CompassTix - We are fundraising for some new band equipment (in particular, a new drum kit) and all proceeds from ticket sales will go towards this.


Today the eldest children in each family will be bringing home 5 raffle tickets @ $1 each to sell to aid us in our fundraising effort. We would love your help to make the raffle a success. Please refer to the attached flyer for the great prizes on offer. If you are able to sell more tickets, there are extras available at the office. Please return all tickets (sold and unsold) and money raised to the marked box in the office by Friday 31st May.

Uniform Supplier changed

Our uniform supplier, RHUniforms has been bought out by Spartan School World. I will be meeting with the new company shortly at this stage it should mean little change for the school, I will update shortly with any additional information or changes.

School Readiness

We continue to celebrate our pre-Foundation readiness program with lots of fun activities planned for 3-4 year old children who attend our local kinder and child care.  If you are a family looking to take part in these activities please ring our school office to make a booking to attend one or all of the dates listed in the poster below!  If our current families know of friends who are wanting to take part please do pass on our details.  The more the merrier!