
Monday 15th - First day of Term 2
Friday 19th - Responsible Pet Program
Wednesday 24th - School Council at school
Thursday 25th - ANZAC Day - no school
Friday 26th - Student Free Day - no school
Tuesday 30th - Smile Squad dental van here - for students from last year
Wednesday 1st - Smile Squad dental van here - for students from last year
Thursday 2nd - Cross Country - Wannon River
Friday May 3rd - Division Athletics - Warnambool
Monday 6th - Mother's Day Stall - up to $10
Wednesday 8th - SGSSA Cross Country - Tarrington
Tuesday 14th - Open Morning - Grandparents and Friends
Thursday 16th - School Photos
Friday 17th - Book Fair
Friday 17th - Division Cross Country - Warrnambool
Friday 28th - Last day of Term 2