Redgum Festival

Wow, what a day! Congratulations to the Cavendish Red Gum Festival Committee and helpers on such a wonderful festival. You should all be very proud of yourselves. Our little town was buzzing and our community spirit shone through.
Thank you to the School Parents Club and the Cavendish Kindergarten for organising the Friends & Family Cafe. The cafe ran smoothly and was a very successful day for our fundraising efforts. A big thank you to everyone who assisted with the running of the cafe whether it be, making food, helping set up/pack up, serving etc. It would not be possible to run a fundraiser like this without people giving up their time and be willing to help out. A special thanks to Merryn and Erin for co-ordinating it. We will advise what our profit was once we get all reimbursements and money/eftpos in.
Thank you to the teachers and students who manned the Bird Box stall. We had a successful day selling 28 boxes and making $660.00. There are still a few boxes left for sale if anyone was interested.
All students entered a piece of art into the art show and some of our students received prizes for their entry. If you had a chance to wander through the hall on the Saturday, you would have been amazed by the high standard of entries and the variety from the different schools. All entries are currently displayed in the school foyer.
Congratulations to our Art winners:
Year 6 - Mietta Price 1st place
Year 5 - Thomas Hurley 2nd place
Year 5 - Pippa Quinn Honourable Mention
Year 1 - Skye Peters Honourable Mention
Foundation - Harry Keymer 1st place
We also entered a sculpture and it was displayed down on the river. Thanks to Mr Bell for hanging our gorgeous leaves. We are currently working out where we can display these at school.
Frau Barber and the students played on the main stage at 10am. Thank to you the families for getting the students there to perform.