From the Principal's Desk


It was a big weekend for Miss Newman, graduating from UNE with a Bachelor of Education.  Miss Newman is a fantastic teacher, and we are very fortunate to have her on staff at Martin's Gully.

Disco Fundraiser

Last night the students raised $350 for the Smith Family. This is another great effort by the Martin's Gully community.


Parents Guide to Mathematics

At the parent information session last night, Emma Polson shared the following documents on mathematics. 



You may also like to visit the following website.


Families (


Our Years 3-6 Choir will perform at the Armidale Eisteddfod on Wednesday 22nd May at 12.30pm. This term they've had the opportunity to rehearse with the pianist, Mr Dunham, and they will perform at our assembly this Friday.  I would like to thank Mrs Clendinning for her work with the students each week in readiness for the eisteddfod. 

P&C Annual General Meeting - Postponed

The P&C AGM planned for this Friday has been postponed to later in the term. The general meeting will still go ahead at 1.00pm on Friday in the MPC.

Whole School Assembly - Stage 3 and Choir

Our first assembly will be held this Friday, 17th May.  This assembly will start at 12.15pm (a bit earlier than normal).  This is to allow time for our Primary choir to perform their eisteddfod item and Stage 3 will also be presenting.

Kindergarten Enrolments 2025

If you have a child to start school next year, can you please visit our website and complete an on-line enrolment.


Congratulations to Charlotte, Lilly and Bella on being selected to represent Armidale Zone at the North West trials to be held in Tamworth on 4th June.



This week, Olivia is at the State Tennis Championships representing North West.

Next week the school netball team will play against Ben Venue in Round 2 of the knockout.


PAX word of the fortnight: ATTENTIVE

  • How can you be more attentive in class?

1. Remove any distractions including any items you might fiddle with.

2. Focus on what is happening in the present, what you are learning.

3. Prepare for learning, switch your mind on!

4. Listen with your whole body to the teacher or classmates. Look at them when they are talking, sit still and wait your turn. 

5. Participate, have a go and ask questions.

6. Get plenty of sleep.

7. Eat healthy foods and drink lots of water.


Attendance Matters: 

This term I will report on our weekly attendance rate for each scholastic year level. Our goal is for each class, and the school to have an attendance rate of 93.72% or greater.

WeekKinderYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6School
Week 198.3%94.2%97.5%98.5%96.6%97.6%94.2%96.6%
Week 295.0%90.8%92.9%94.6%97.6%96.5%95.9%94.8%



Dates for your calendar:

This calendar of events will be updated and published each week.  Some events may change, so please access the latest version.


Week 3

Tuesday 14th May – Whole School Disco and Parent Information Sessions - 5.30pm to 7.00pm

Wednesday 15th May - Book Club Orders due

Friday 17th May – Assembly – Stage 3 and Choir presenting – 12.15pm start

Friday 17th May – P&C meeting – 1.00pm


Week 4 

Monday 20th May - NSW CPR Program - Years 5/6

Tuesday 21st June - PSSA Netball Knockout v Ben Venue

Wednesday 22 May – Eisteddfod - Primary Choir Only - 12.30pm

Thursday 23 May – Armidale Zone PSSA Boys and Girls Soccer Trials

Friday 24th May – Armidale Zone Cross Country


Week 5

Thursday 30th May - Stage 3 STEM Day at Armidale Secondary College

Thursday 30th May - Touch Football Gala Day - Walcha - Stage 3 only

Friday 31st May – Assembly – Stage 2 presenting – 12.30pm start


Week 6 

Monday 3rd June – Armidale Chess Tournament – Stage 2 and 3 students only

Tuesday 4th June - North West PSSA Netball Trials

Wednesday 5th June – North West Boys Soccer Trials

Thursday 6th June – North West Girls Soccer Trials

Friday 7th June – Martin’s Gully Spelling Bee – 9.30am


Week 7

Thursday 13th June – North West Cross Country

Friday 14th June - Soccer Knockout Gala Day - Stage 3

Friday 14th June – Assembly – Kindergarten presenting


Week 8 

Friday 21st June - P&C AGM


Week 9

Friday 28th June - Stage 2 soccer gala day

Friday 28th June - Assembly – Stage 1 presenting


Week 10 

Friday 5th July - Infants athletics afternoon (K-2)

Friday 5th July – last day of Term 2




Ian Reeves
