Primary School

Monday 31 March
Our next Primary School Assembly will take place on Monday 31 March in The Farrall Centre and will commence at 2.15pm. We welcome members of our community to attend. Please remember that due to privacy concerns and to respect the photo permission choices of other families we ask you to refrain from taking photos and videos during assemblies.
Lunchtime Disco
Friday 28 March
The Primary School Council are holding a disco for Prep to Year 6 students in The Farrall Centre from 11.00am - 11.30am this Friday 28 March. Students are welcome to wear a neon coloured accessory if they would like to do so. It is not a free dress day.
Year 6 Excursions to Parliament House of Tasmania
1 and 2 April
On Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 April, Year 6 students will go on excursions to Parliament House of Tasmania to observe a sitting of The House of Assembly and Legislative Council.
- 6H - Tuesday 1 April 8.50am to 1.15pm (Rescheduled)
- 6M - Tuesday 1 April 8.50am to 1.15pm
- 6D - Wednesday 2 April 9.15am to 11.40am
6H and 6M classes will walk both to and from Parliament House. 6H will also explore St David's Park memorials and 6M will also tour the Town Hall. 6D will travel to and from Parliament House by bus. Please let your classroom teacher know if you would like to support this excursion. It is very helpful to have parent volunteers. Volunteers will require a current Working With Vulnerable People card. You will also need to fill in a volunteer form at this link. Students are to wear their formal uniform and bring their hats, drink bottles and packed lunches (no lunch orders please). Students in 6H and 6M may wear their sports shoes if more comfortable for the walk.
National Ride to School Day
Monday 31 March
The National Ride to School Day is Monday 31 March. If students choose to ride to school they may wear sports uniform. It is a requirement that Prep - Year 6 students who are taking part place their bike, skateboard or scooter on the Top Green in the designated zone. Kindergarten students will take theirs to Kindergarten. There will be organised activities for Prep - Year 6 students at first break at 11.00am run by the Primary School Council, all students are required to wear helmets to participate.
Kindergarten Families Welcome Event
Kinder families are invited to a get-together on Saturday 5 April at Legacy Playground at the Domain, Savige Pavillion (no. 3, furthest away from the path), 3-5pm.
The event details, including a request for a $5 venue hire contribution and RSVP details, were emailed to families this week. Please let Parent Rep Ellie know if you can make it or speak to the other Parent Reps if you have any queries.
Year 5 OE Excursions - kunanyi/ Mt Wellington
27 & 28 March and 3 April
Each class will be attending on separate days:
- Year 5MS - Friday 28 March
- Year 5C - Thursday 3 April
In the coming weeks Year 5 students will be going on an Outdoor Education bushwalk on kunanyi/Mt Wellington. The focus for the day is building resilience, working together as a team, exploring the varied ecosystems and learning about the Aboriginal history of the location. We will also do simple bushcraft skills such as map reading and navigation. The walk will start at The Springs and finish at The Springs via the Octopus Tree, Sphinx Rock, the Sawmill and Organ Pipes Track.
This is approximately 5km with some steep ascending tracks. Students will be required to wear warm sensible free dress clothing that is appropriate to the cold weather that can occur on the mountain - long pants (no jeans), long sleeve t-shirt/ thermal shirt, jumper, warm socks and appropriate bushwalking shoes. Students will also need to pack their day bag with a rain jacket, spare warm jacket/fleece, beanie, and gloves, spare socks, plenty of food for lunch and snacks, a big drink bottle of water, and any personal medication.
Year 4 Outdoor Education Excursion - Queen’s Domain
Friday 28 March
On Friday 28 March all Year 4 students will be walking to the Queen’s Domain to participate in an orienteering session with Emily Ardas as part of our Outdoor Education Program. We will be leaving school at 10.00am and returning before the end of the school day. Students will need to wear school sports uniforms. It may be cold so please ensure students have sufficient layers of clothing and bring their school shell jacket. They will also need to bring their lunch, snacks, a drink bottle, school hat, waterproof jacket and any required personal medications for the day (please ensure that these are labelled appropriately). Please update student Operoo profiles before the excursion.
This activity will involve small groups of students and, as such, we will need a number of parent/guardian volunteers to help on the day. If you are able to assist us with this activity could you please email your child’s classroom teacher by Friday 21 March. Our volunteers will require a current Working With Vulnerable People card. You will also need to fill in a volunteer form at this link. We thank you for your assistance with this, and appreciate any parents/guardians who are able to be involved.
Parent Information Session: Understanding and Supporting Anxiety in Young People
Thursday 3 April (5.00pm) and Friday 4 April (9.00am)
We invite all parents and carers of Friends’ Early Learning and Primary School children to join Morgan Norris, our Primary School Psychologist, and other members of staff to explore and understand anxiety in young people. This information session will explore the types of anxiety in childhood, ranging from perfectionism and separation fears to general worries and school-related anxiety. You will learn to identify when anxiety becomes a problem and gain basic strategies to support your child when they feel anxious or overwhelmed.
Please register here to secure your spot. Sessions will be held in the Boa Vista Room, Meeting House. Please note: This information session aims to provide general information regarding anxiety. We will not be able to provide individual management strategies for your child, however we can advise you of the next steps to take if you are seeking support or further information.
Supporting the Cancer Council
Wednesday 9 April
The Primary School Council are organising a free dress day on Wednesday 9 April for Primary students to support the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life event which will take place this coming weekend, 29-30 March. Our school has a team called the ‘Friendlies’ and the money raised by the Primary School students will be added to their efforts. Please contribute a gold coin and wear yellow and/or purple clothing on the free dress day, if you would like to do so.
Thursday Afternoon Fun in the Library for Primary School Families!
The Primary School Library will be open until 4.00pm every Thursday afternoon until the end of term. This will be a time for parents/guardians and their children to borrow books, play games and puzzles or enjoy time reading together. Library staff will be available to provide recommendations of good books for your child to read, or to answer questions about the library program. We hope you and your child can join us. Sharon Ryan and Catherine Duffett, Teacher Librarians.
Save the Date - Matilda the Musical JR.
Join us for a magical time as our talented Years 5-8 students bring Matilda the Musical JR. to life on stage! Based on the beloved book by Roald Dahl, this inspiring story follows the extraordinary Matilda as she discovers her inner strength, courage and determination.
- Dates: Thursday 19 - Saturday 21 June 2025
- Location: The Farrall Centre, Argyle Street Campus
Performance times will be released shortly.
Tickets coming soon.
Follow our Facebook Event to keep updated.
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Primary School Office (phone: 6210 2228, or email: ) and the classroom teacher before 9.00am. We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates
Term 1 Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April
Term 2 Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July