Assistant Principal’s Update – Week 7


NAPLAN Next Week

Next week, our Year 7 and 9 students will be participating in NAPLAN testing. NAPLAN assesses student skills in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and numeracy. The results help students, parents, and teachers understand progress and identify areas for improvement. All tests are conducted online.


NAPLAN Schedule for Years 7 & 9

DateYear 7Year 9
Wed 12 MarWriting – 9am (42 mins)Writing – 11am (42 mins)
Thur 13 MarNumeracy – 9am (65 mins)Numeracy – 11am (65 mins)
Fri 14 MarReading – 9am (45 mins)Reading – 11am (45 mins)
Mon 17 MarLanguage Conventions – 9am (65 mins)Language Conventions – 11am (65 mins)
Tue 18 – Fri 21 MarCatch Up – 9amCatch Up – 11am

Students should ensure their devices are fully charged and arrive on time for each session.


Athletics Day – A Huge Success!

Yesterday’s Athletics Day was a fantastic event, with outstanding participation across all year levels. It was great to see students proudly wearing their house colours and supporting their peers. Several school records were broken, and the energy throughout the day was incredible. Well done to everyone who competed and contributed to the fantastic atmosphere!


Mobile Phones & Lockers Reminder

A reminder that mobile phones must be turned off and stored in lockers from the moment students arrive on school grounds. If students need to contact parents during the day, they should visit the front office or sub-school office.  


Additionally, we have noticed some Year 8 students bringing bags to class. Bags should be stored in lockers throughout the day to ensure safe and organised learning spaces.


School Uniform – Looking Great!

It has been wonderful to see almost all students in full school uniform each day, representing Western Heights with pride. Thank you to students and families for your support in maintaining high standards.


Open Night – A Huge Turnout!

Our Open Night last week was a great success, with over 1,200 families attending across two sessions. A big thank you to Ms Keyburn (Year 7 Sub-school Leader), Ms Lane (SSP Leader), and all our dedicated staff who helped make the night an engaging experience for families.


Upcoming Student Conferences

A reminder that student conferences are coming up soon. We encourage parents to book in with teachers to discuss progress and learning goals.


Thank you for your ongoing support in making Western Heights a fantastic place to learn!


Mr. Adam Ross

Assistant Principal 7-8

Year 7

7B learning about heating water in the science lab

Year 7 green chronicle award winners

Year 7 learning high jump before the athletics carnival

Year 7's achieving their bunsen burner license

Year 7 science, stretchy snakes!

Year 8

Our Year 8 students gave it their all at the school athletics carnival. We are very proud of those who participated in events and those who supported their peers from the sidelines. It was a fantastic display of school spirit and sportsmanship. Kudos.

Year 9