Principal’s Newsletter Report 7/3/25

As we pass the mid-way point in the term, we have had a busy couple of weeks; plenty of events and activities taking place and news to share. I am sure everyone is looking forward to this coming long weekend and a chance to rest as we move into the final weeks of a very busy term.


NAPLAN 2025 

NAPLAN is fast approaching, with the shift to mid-March testing. NAPLAN will run from the 12th March until 21st March for all Year 7 and 9 Students. Students will undertake testing in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language, and Numeracy. All tests will be online. NAPLAN testing is an important time at the college and the tests are important in supporting our students with their learning. NAPLAN is just one aspect of the school's assessment process, but it provides vital information about students' educational progress. NAPLAN testing is for everyone. We support inclusive testing, so all students have the opportunity to participate in the testing program. We strongly encourage all students to participate. Adjustments are available for students with a disability who have diverse functional abilities and needs. Please contact Dylan Dunoon ( if you have any questions about adjustments.


Annual General Meeting

I would like to inform families that our School Council Annual General Meeting is coming up on 24th March at 6:00pm. This is an important event where the school's Annual Report is presented and Council members are elected for the year ahead. Each year, schools are expected to present the Annual Report to the school community, which provides an opportunity for the school community to celebrate achievements, reflect on the school’s performance, and understand where and how improvement efforts have enhanced student achievement, engagement, and wellbeing. We invite all families to attend the presentation of the Annual Report or download the report from the school website following its endorsement at the School Council Meeting.


Labour Day Public Holiday

Monday 10th March is the Labour Day Public Holiday in Victoria. There will be no classes.


International Women’s Day

On Tuesday, as a college we will be reflecting on International Women’s Day which was acknowledged world-wide on Saturday 8th March. We aim to empower a community of fearless and confident young women, dedicated to supporting one another, building a future full of prospect, whilst having fun along the way. This is reflected in the many amazing young women in our community who strive to make waves and move mountains every day. 


Year 7 2025 Information and Open Night

Last Wednesday 26th February, our college opened it's doors, hearts, and classrooms to welcome prospective families into our college. The weather was perfect, and we were thrilled with the large crowd of families (1200+) who took the time to spend time in our community, talk to students and staff whilst exploring our college grounds and facilities, and be guided by our wonderful student tour guides. It was a great evening, and we look forward to the crowd converting into a terrific intake of Year 7 students for 2026.


Student Learning Conferences

Our Student Learning Conferences for parents and carers will be conducted on Thursday 3rd April between 11am and 7pm, as well as Friday 4th March between 9am and 1pm. There will be no timetabled classes for students on these days, and it is expected that students will attend with parents and carers for these interviews. The last day of formal classes for term 1 for students will be Wednesday 2nd April. Classes will resume for term 2 for all students on Tuesday 22nd April.


Interhouse Athletics Carnival

We were greeted with beautiful sunshine for our annual athletics carnival held at Landy Field yesterday. Thanks to Mr. Bishop and all staff for their administration of the whole event. It was a great success.


Enjoy your very well-deserved long weekend,


Fiona Taylor

College Principal

Child Safety at WHC

Western Heights College is a child safe organisation committed to protecting students from all forms of abuse. Our College has stringent protocols in place and endeavours at all times to be fully compliant with the Child Safe Standards set out under Ministerial Order 870.


Our College has the following documents and policies in place to achieve compliance with the Standards. All of these documents are available for downloading on our website.

  1. Commitment to Child Safety

  2. Child Safety Policy

  3. Child Safety Code of Conduct

  4. Child Protection Policy and Procedures

Annual Privacy Policy Reminder for 2025

Our school collects, uses, discloses, and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy (found on the college's webpage).


Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found on our website. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents and carers on the webpage. This information is also available in nine community languages:


          * Amharic

          * Arabic

          * Dari

          * Gujarati

          * Mandarin

          * Somali

          * Sudanese

          * Turkish

          * Urdu

          * Vietnamese