Grade 5/6
Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid & Mrs Morse
Grade 5/6
Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid & Mrs Morse
Over the past 2 weeks, the grade 5/6s have finished learning about the Big Idea 1 and are now focussing on the Big Idea 2; The base ten numeration system is a scheme for recording numbers using digits 0-9, groups of ten and place value. We are extremely impressed with how well they have been working throughout their independent tasks and its amazing to see all of their growth so far.
In Literacy, we have been using our class novel ‘War Horse’ to learn about different vocabulary words, as well as incorporating these into our own narratives about an animal who is going on a journey. It has been interesting reading the start to all of these stories, and we can’t wait to share our completely pieces over the next few weeks.
During Integrated studies, the students worked in partners to develop a post about a historical event and then shared their information with the class. At the end of the term we will be holding an expo about a historical person/event.
Thursday the 13th of March: Athletics day, students will need to bring a packed lunch, snack, water bottle and a hat.
Harmony Day: On the 21st of March, we will celebrate Harmony Day. Students are invited to wear a touch of orange to show their support for inclusivity and diversity.
NAPLAN has started, and we wish all of our Grade 5s good luck through the coming weeks.