Year 1/2 Learning Community

Growing our brains with Mrs Dallas, Mrs J, and Mrs Jacobs!

Lots of learning in the 1/2 Learning Community!


In Maths this fortnight, students in the 1/2 Learning Community have been working on developing our understanding of tens and ones, and how counting large collections becomes easier when we count in groups of ten!


We began linking this idea to other areas of Maths, and this fortnight it was with money! We learnt how we could exchange ten $1 coins for one $10 note, and it was still the same value! Some students even figured out once they got ten $10 notes, they could exchange those for one $100 note! Lots of little lightbulb moments made the classroom very shiny! 💡💡


We turned one of our favourite games - Race to 20 - into a Race to 100 game! Students had a 0-9 die to roll, and whichever number came up was the amount of $1 coins they needed to collect. Once they had ten $1 coins, they could exchange these for one $10 note. The first student to reach $100 was crowned the winner (and richest!). Look at how much fun we had!



Integrated Studies

We have continued our investigations into materials, and how we  can alter them for different purposes. We tested out our pipe cleaner bubble wands to mixed results! We found that round bubble wands were more effective than ones that had pointed edges, that heart-shaped  bubble wands produced bubbles more consistently, and that larger bubble wands produced more bubbles. 


Last week, we started on our project for the end of term. We are creating an artwork out of paper, using the methods of folding, twisting, scrunching, tearing and cutting. We began by experimenting with different types of paper, and trying out all the methods. We had a so much fun seeing all the different results we could get, and we were amazed that one piece of paper could have so many different looks. We are now working with partners in the planning stages of creating our masterpieces! We are hoping that by the end of term, we will be able to invite parents in to visit the 1/2 Art Gallery.


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