Foundation Class
Creating a love of learning with Mrs McBride & Miss Jenny
Foundation Class
Creating a love of learning with Mrs McBride & Miss Jenny
Our phonics learning this week now includes the sounds represented by the letters /s/a/t/p/i/n/m/d/g! We can make so many words from just these letters! We are enjoying our decodable readers as well as literacy-rich texts each day. Students have been working hard to isolate the beginning and end sounds of given words and are having fun identifying words that rhyme.
We have been practising telling stories and 'reading' to each other. Students enjoy choosing a book and using the illustrations to tell a story, some students are telling stories from memory. Here are some photos of Evelyn, retelling her favourite classroom book, Rainbow Frogs. (I will hopefully upload the video when I become more tech-savvy). I have read this book to Evelyn twice and she is able to 'read' it back to me using her memory of the story. This is a great way for children to feel the success of 'reading' and to foster a love of storytelling.
We continue to explore all the various ways we make make, count and compare collections. Our one-to-one counting is improving and we had lots of fun making our names using the MAB ones to 'write' our names. We then had to see how many groups of 10 it took to make our name. Students also made predictions about who might have the most groups of 10 and who might have the least.
We love our learning activities during Respectful Relationships. We have learnt how to play a favourite classic game, Heads Down, Thumbs Up! We have been able to use this game to highlight ways that we can make our classroom a safe and happy place for everyone.
During Integrated Studies we have been identifying how to ask for help and who the people in our community are that we can ask for help.