
Mr Shuttleworth

Foundation - Changing Emotions

Our Foundation students have been learning about how our emotions can change. Last week, we went outside to look at the clouds. Clouds are always changing - sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. This doesn't mean they're good or bad.


Our emotions are the same. Even when emotions are uncomfortable, it doesn't mean they're bad or wrong. It also doesn't mean they'll stay that way forever.


At home, you could talk with your family about how your emotions change and what might cause those changes. What things can you do to help when you're feeling uncomfortable emotions?


Year 1/2 - Kindness is a superpower

Our Year 1/2s looked at the importance of empathy. We discussed how superheroes always try to look after people, and that being kind to other people can be a superpower.


At home, you could talk with your family about different ways to be kind to one another.


Year 3/4 - Character Strengths

Our Year 3/4s looked at the importance of acknowledging our different character strengths. Some of our students thought they were funny, brave, creative, or good at working in teams.


People are hardwired to focus on the negative things, so it's helpful to stop and focus on the traits we like about ourselves. How can we use our strengths to help others? How can we use our strengths to do things we really want to do?


If you want to look at your own character strengths, check out the following link to do a survey that will identify your top results. Are they the same or different to other people in your family?


Year 5/6 - Looking at data

Our Year 5/6s have been looking at some of our Wellbeing data. Students completed our Wellbeing Baseline survey to identify strengths and areas for improvement related to safety, resilience and belonging. We spoke about why we might have high or low scores in different areas, and started looking into ways to improve our lower scores.


Many students didn't feel comfortable talking to someone about their problems, so we also spent some time looking at the Kids Helpline website at Kids Helpline | Phone Counselling Service | 1800 55 1800