Colour Fun Run Information

We are one week into the Fun Run and have raised  $1650 towards student resources and updates. If you are yet to do so, please sign up at

All students should have bought home a fundraising booklet last week. Please contact the school if you are yet to see one. 


Congrats to class Prep A for getting the most profiles (by % of students in the class = 45%) and 5/6A (number of profiles = 9) in the first week of fundraising! They will all received an icy pole!

Next week, keep an eye out for your child wearing a School Fun Run Wristband! Just scan the QR Code, log in or sign up, and enter the wristband’s unique code for a chance to win a $500 Prize Credit—perfect for when prize ordering opens up! Good luck!

Let’s see what we can do this week when you all share your profiles with family and friends


Secret mission for the students ... For every $500 the school raises, students will get the chance to water bomb or colour splat a teacher on Fun Run Day.  So far, we have 3 teachers nominated.