Class Placement Policy

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To explain to our school community how we manage requests for class placements, for the following school year.




The process that Jackson School works through to plan each student’s class placement begins months before the end of the school year.  We understand that in certain situations, parents and carers may like to request that their child be placed with a particular friend or in a particular class. 


Requests for placement with friends


Jackson School recognises the importance of fostering and maintaining friendship groups. We also understand that it is equally important for students to mix and learn with peers who have different interests. 


If you would like to request that your child be placed in a class with a particular friend or friends, please ensure that you make this request by November of the year prior so that we can consider your request in organising our classes for the following year.


Requests for class placements must be made in writing, outlining who you would like your child to be placed with and why. Requests can be addressed to Bernadette O’Sullivan, Assistant Principal, (Community Partnerships). We will not always be able to accommodate class placement requests, but will endeavour to take your wishes into consideration where possible.


At Jackson School, staff select nominated students with their known friends (up to 3) using our software program Class Solver. We also do our best to balance the needs and genders of the students within each class.


Requests for placement with certain teachers


All teachers at Jackson School are caring and committed educators and Jackson School strives to ensure that all students are provided with a high quality education. 


Whilst we appreciate that you may wish that your child would benefit from being placed in a class with a particular teacher, we are generally unable to accommodate these requests. Our school’s leadership team has an in-depth understanding of each teacher’s strengths and will always endeavour to place our students with teachers who are best placed to suit their needs. We do not re-allocate students to different classes during the school year, unless exceptional circumstances arise. Parents will be advised of the situation if it arises. We will always aim to do this prior to the Term 1 Student Support Group (SSG) meeting.


Requests for students to repeat a year level


Our school will follow the Department of Education and Training policy in the Department’s Policy and Advisory Library on Year Level Movement – see Repeating a Year Level policy.


At Jackson School, all students are ungraded but are placed in classes with age appropriate peers. Typically these are composite classes based upon two year levels, e.g. Year 1/2. However, depending upon enrolment pressures and the cohort needs of our students, we reserve the right to adapt our class structures each year. 


We will regularly promote students to the next year level and will exercise our professional expertise and judgment in relation to these matters. Students are only able to repeat a year level in exceptional circumstances where Jackson School considers it is required for the long-term benefit of the student e.g. considering their social, wellbeing and academic needs. We will ensure that parents/carers are advised of the options that we consider best meet individual student needs. Students will not repeat a year level without the consent of parents/carers.  




This policy will be communicated to our school community in the following ways:

  1. Available publicly on our school’s website through the Jackson Policy Advisory Library (PAL)

  2. Discussed at parent information nights/sessions

  3. Reminders in our school newsletter as required

  4. Hard copy available from school administration upon request


Policy last reviewed 25/2/25
Approved by Principal
Next scheduled review date 25/2/29