VCE Vocational Major

What a busy 5 weeks it has been in the Year 11 and 12 VCE Vocational Major classrooms. We have definitely hit the ground running!
Welcome to the new students that have joined us across Year 11 and 12 VCE VM.
The VCE VM Garden
Our garden, planted at the end of last year, got a good weed and watering by all the VCE VM students and is looking amazing. We can’t wait to get some seating in the area and begin to enjoy the shade from the trees as they grow.
Sausage Sizzle – Swimming Carnival
Well done to the VCE VM students who organised and ran a sausage sizzle at the College Swimming Carnival raising money for My Room. Thank you to all those that purchased sausages on the day, your support was greatly appreciated. We proudly raised $323 for My Room through this event.
Year 12 VCE VM PDS excursion Rock Climbing
On February 21 the Year 12 VCE VM students headed down to Hardrock in Franklin Street for a 2-hour rock climbing session working on our teamwork and interpersonal skills. The students were amazing, and it was great to see everyone supporting and encouraging each other and working together.
The confidence and knowledge gained last year travelling to Melbourne was also evident with the students finding their way around the CBD.
Clean Up Australia Day
On Monday March 3, VCE VM students were joined by the Ignite students to participate in Clean Up Australia Day. Students worked well in small groups to clean up the school grounds and along the fence line of the school. All up the students picked up 22 kgs of rubbish. When this was sorted it was very evident that the majority of rubbish was soft plastics from food packaging. The students would also like to congratulate the Primary students on the cleanliness of Area A (the Primary Playground). Students found little rubbish in this area and it is a credit to these students for ensuring that their rubbish is placed carefully in rubbish bins. Well done primary students and teachers!!!
Shrove Tuesday
18.5 kilos of dry pancake mix, 16 litres of milk, 4 litres of maple syrup and lots of hard work from the VCE VM students ended in excess of 600 pancakes being sold. A donation of $229 will be made to Caritas from all funds raised.
Thank you to all those students and staff who brought pancakes and helped contribute to our fundraiser.
Team Work Challenges
From foil boats, to paper towers to paper chains and cooking challenges the VCE VM students have been participating in many team work activities. Learning about each other and also themselves. Our individual strengths and areas of improvement are a huge focus in VCE VM as we prepare for life beyond school and in the workplace.
Amanda Hard
Melissa Wood