Office News

Student Absence


Please be reminded it is a requirement of MACS that if the office is not notified of a student absence, contact must be made in order to record a reason.  If you receive an sms, please either enter Parent Notified Absence via your PAM account or contact the office to avoid unnecessary phone calls which can take up valuable office time.  We appreciate your co-operation regarding this matter.


*Please note if notifying homeroom teacher of an absentee or early leave you MUST also notify the office. This will ensure efficiency and accuracy for the student rolls. 


*A reminder - If your child/children are arriving late to school, please have them sign in at the office (this will eliminate parent absentee sms messages if your child did not attend homeroom).


*A reminder - Announcements will not be made during class time.  These will be made at Recess and Lunchtime.

