Church News
Kylie Koelman
Church News
Kylie Koelman
Everyone is welcome to attend the worship service held in the church each Sunday at 9.30am.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Church season called Lent, a time of the year when we give particular focus to prayer. Traditionally, this is a day for Christians to remember that we are sinners and that we need a Saviour (Jesus) so that we can be put right with God and ultimately live with him forever in Heaven.
For centuries, Christians have received ashes on their head in the shape of a cross, as a reminder of mortality and a sign of sorrow for sin. As a part of the rite, people say sorry to God for all the sins (things that are against God or hurt other people) they have committed and ask God for his forgiveness.
There is a church service tonight at 7pm which will include a time of personal confession, the reassurance of God’s forgiveness and the imposition of ashes. All are welcome.
Playgroup @ St Paul is for children and a parent/caregiver and runs from 9-10.30am in the Hall, every Tuesday during the school term. Cost is $2 per family.
Come and check out the play space, make a craft, play with playdough, explore the sensory play space, and join in with story and song time.
This week for Shrove Tuesday, we made funny pancake faces at the craft table and got messy with ‘pancake batter’ (oobleck) in the sensory play space.
Next week, everything is all about trains.
For more information about anything playgroup related, contact Kylie Koelman in the Church Office on 8262 4690 or email at
SPY is a gathering for young people in Year 6/7/8 and the next date is this Friday 7 March.
Join us in the St Paul Lutheran Church Hall, from 7pm until 9pm.
We will be playing games outside, weather permitting – please register in the Hall as usual or if you are running late, look for us on the tennis courts or the back park.
Reminder that all parents are required to come inside and register your attendance.
Cost $3 – Boys please bring some supper to share. Cold drinks are available for $2 a can.
Future dates for the calendar are:
For further information contact Thomas Hall - 0401 475 718 or the St Paul Church Office 8262 4690 Tu, Th, F.
Thank you, God, for our bread that feeds us and for your word that fills our hearts. Amen.
Lord, make us strong when we are tempted to do wrong. Help us to do what is right and good. Amen.
(Name) May God bless you with his love and may God rescue and protect you. Amen.