Pastoral Bulletin

 Week 7 of Term 4, 2023 

General School News

  • This week will see three significant celebrations for our college community. We will acknowledge all of our award recipients at the Presentation Evening and Sports Award Assembly. Following these events, we will come together for Graduation Mass to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating class of 2023. 
    Last minute bookings can be made here:
    Presentation Evening: 
    Sport Award Assembly: 
    Graduation Mass:  
    If you experience any issues with the links above, please use the Google Chrome browser. 
  • All students have received an email asking them for their opinions on extracurricular offerings at St Mary’s. Please encourage your child to provide feedback through this forum.
  • The area between the fence-line and the back of B, D, F, H, and J blocks as well as the back of the TTC  is out of bounds. Students are reminded that they are not to be in these areas during break times. These are only walkways to access during class time transitions.
  • As the weather heats up and the assessment ramps up, it is important that students don’t lose sight of their own wellbeing. In the last two weeks of term, it is more important than ever that students are getting enough sleep, eating well and staying physically active. 
  • The VINNIES Christmas appeal momentum is growing with a total of 33 ½ baskets so far.  Your efforts are appreciated. Year 7 has donated 10 baskets, Year 8 - 6.5 baskets, Year 9 - 3 baskets, Year 10 - 8 baskets, Year 11 - 6.5 baskets. Keep it coming. 








Leah McBryde 

Assistant Principal, Junior Years (7 - 9) |


Justin Brennan 

Acting Assistant Principal, Senior Years (10 -12) |

Year 7

  • Welcome to Week 7
  • This Wednesday we farewell our Senior Students as the college comes together for the Graduation Mass. All students are expected to be in their formal uniform for this very special occasion. Students can then change into their sports uniform for sports in Periods 5 & 6. 
  • Our Year 7  End of Year Pastoral Day will take place on the last day of the Term. Please remember to return the parent slip which was recently emailed. Any dietary or medical requirements that have changed since the Year 7 camp need to be emailed directly to the Head of Year using the below email. 


Christina Borzi

Head of Year 7 

Year 8

  • Welcome to Week 7
  • Congratulations to Mathew Fox on becoming the Australian champion at BMX.
  • The end of term is nearly upon us, however this does not mean the College’s expectations and policies regarding haircuts, jewellery, and uniform have changed. Those found in breach of these expectations will be addressed around adherence to these. 
  • Please remember to complete the permission slip,  which can be found on the parent portal, for our end of year pastoral day.


Andy Winter

Head of Year 8

Year 9

  • Welcome to Week 7
  • A reminder to all students that valuables brought to school are done so at their own risk. We suggest any valuables, such as mobile phones and laptops, be stored inside lockers to prevent from damage or theft.
  • Excitement has swarmed the cohort since the Tie Ceremony was announced last week. Like typical teens, I have received more questions about the Tie Ceremony dress code than our guest speaker, Gabi Simpson! The dress code for will be smart casual, and modest.


Saripha Curro

Head of Year 9 

Year 10 

  • Welcome to Week 7
  • Permission forms should be completed online and disclaimer forms should be returned to PG Mentors for our day at the Wake Park next week. The finer details of the day will be communicated to students and parents this week.
  • I spoke to the cohort about finishing the year strongly by maintaining high standards for school work and in our interactions with others, especially through the stressful last few weeks of term.


John Cahill

Head of Year 10 

Year 11

  • Welcome to Week 7
  • Year 12 courses are underway and will need working on over the holidays. In SEL this week students were reminded of what units 3 and 4 were about, completion of Certificates as well as counting points for QCE. They then went to plan for the summer break, setting themselves academic goals, well being targets and leisure opportunities. We need to start 2024 ready!
  • Should your student still be unsure about next year, it is important they come and talk to us so we can best support them by giving them relevant information. You are very welcome to contact us too!
  • Even though we are reaching the end of the year, uniform expectations remain. Students found in breach of these policies will be issued consequences in line with the College’s behaviour management policy. As senior students, it is important to uphold standards. Thank you for your support in this.


Sophie McQueen

Head of Year 11 

Year 12 

  • Your final week of schooling is here! Congratulations on reaching this milestone!
  • Tuesday: you will all be required to attend school at 11:00 am for practice for the graduation mass, we will meet UNDER INTAD so as not to disturb the final exam.


Lucy Fitzpatrick

Head of Year 12