Identity and Outreach

Andrea O'Grady 

  • Our staff extend their heartfelt condolences to the St Augustine’s community at this difficult time. We continue to hold their community in our thoughts and prayers as they grieve.  Coordinated by our Campus Minister, the staff baked and provided morning tea last week as a show of support.
  • Graduation Mass will be held on Wednesday, 15 November, commencing at 9:00am. We look forward to celebrating with our graduates in their final event.
  • The Vinnies appeal is ramping up with 29 baskets of goodies collected for the Christmas Hamper drive.
  • Three years ago we commenced a Prayer renewal project involving a committed group of people from the St Mary community who worked with the Director of Identity and Outreach, Ms Rachel McLean, to determine how we might enhance prayer within the College.  A prayer wall was one outcome.  Our talented craftsman from the Trade Training Centre and with the assistance of St Andrew’s machinery and staff, we are close to the completion of the project.  We aim to implement a student lead program using our classroom model to teach students about intercessory prayer, so that our prayers can be placed at the feet of Jesus, in the prayer wall which when completed will be located at the Chapel.



With faith, hope and love,


Andrea O'Grady

Assistant Principal Identity and Outreach