Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,


This week, our Year 4 students and teachers have been enjoying themselves at Camp Anadac in Yarra Junction. The reports have been very positive and we look forward to welcoming them back this afternoon. Thank you to the teachers for their extensive planning and to our parent helpers for helping out. As a school, we are committed to these extra-curricular activities, as invaluable learning experiences for the students.



Whilst I did mention it at Assembly last week and do a Facebook post, I neglected to mention some sad news in the Newsletter last week, which was our ‘school dog’ Bonnie passed away after 15 happy years. We have been fortunate to share Bonnie with the Tyndall / Johnston family over the last few years and Bonnie has been a valuable layer of our wellbeing supports. Often Bonnie was called upon to help different students who may have been anxious or had trouble with regulating. She will be missed but we will hold onto the memories.


Ready to learn

Also, last week in Assembly I brainstormed with the students a list of ideas or ‘preconditions’ in order to help students be ‘ready to learn’. Here is the list we came up with;

  1. Have a good sleep
  2. Have something to eat before school
  3. Share your concerns with a parent if you are worried about something
  4. Get some exercise
  5. Have limited screen time in the morning
  6. Bounce into school with a positive mindset
  7. Know there is always someone to help you

I thought I would share with you as you play a vital role in helping all our students be ‘ready to learn’ each and every day.


Data sets

The school has recently had the results of the student Attitude to School Survey and the Staff Opinion Survey. Both sets of data, were again, very positive, continuing our 5 year trend in these areas. A snapshot was shared with School Council last night. Overall positive endorsement of the school had gone up 3% for students, since last year, to 85% and is sitting above similar, Network and the State average. The overall positive endorsement from staff is sitting virtually the same as last year, 85%, which is 7% above similar, Network and the State average. Again, the trend has remained consistently strong and is a testament to the strong ongoing commitment we have to continuously improving both academic learning and wellbeing for all.


Values review- your input is sought

I have mentioned before that we have commenced a review of the school values. Student and staff workshops have been held, as well as conversations at School Council. To further this work, the school would value some more wider feedback from both students and parents. Please click on this link to provide your input. Many thanks!


World Teacher’s Day

This Friday, 27th October, is World Teacher’s Day. As a school we will recognise the incredible work that our large teaching workforce does on a daily basis. Teaching is an incredibly complex role. In Australian society, through the socio-political and economic structures, the teaching profession is, sadly, not recognised in a way that it is in other countries and cultures. However, at Eltham East, we do out bit to help elevate the status of teaching and I would like to express my gratitude for all of our wonderful teachers.


Pupil free days

A reminder that Monday 6th November is a Curriculum Day (pupil free day). We will offer a OSHC program for this day for those families who need it. 


I am eagerly looking forward to our Asian Studies Day tomorrow. Parents are warmly invited to attend the morning assembly / celebration.


Have a great week of ‘Learning and Growing Together’.

















Warren Lloyd  
