Junior School, Brooklyn Park

Marni Greenwood, Alex Lauder, Emily Sanders & Kirrilee Collins

Articles on this page:

  • ELC - Year 2 Sports Day
  • Year 3/4 Mathematics 

ELC – Year 2 Sports Day

On Friday 21 October, the ELC – Year 2 Sports Day was held at the Western Youth Community Oval. For the first time, all of our ELC children, combined with the Foundation to Year 2 classes from Brooklyn Park and South Plympton came together for a fun day of sport and community!


It was wonderful to see nearly 320 children, plus our staff and many parents joining in together for the ‘Nutbush’ dance at the beginning. 


Once the warm-up was completed, the children then rotated around the oval in their class groups taking part in an array of sporting activities throughout the morning. It was an absolute delight to see so many parents and family members in attendance to cheer the children on.


At the end of the activities, families were invited to join the Foundation to Year 2 classes, who stayed on at the oval to enjoy a picnic lunch together. 


We are thankful for our amazing Sports Staff, teachers and SSOs who worked so hard to organise everything, ensuring that our children and families could enjoy a wonderful day.


Marni Greenwood 

Head of Junior School, Brooklyn Park (ELC – Year 6)


Year 3/4 Mathematics at Brooklyn Park


Steering through Brooklyn Park's traffic study in Year 4 Data & Statistics Students have been actively engaged in the process of collecting different types of data. 


They have learnt how to present their findings through various visual tools such as pictographs, column graphs, bar charts, dot plots, and line graphs. Additionally, students have developed the skills to interpret their data effectively, drawing meaningful conclusions.


In our recent project, students were tasked with conducting a statistical investigation focused on the local traffic surrounding Brooklyn Park. Working in pairs, they gathered data through surveys. This information was then presented in a range of formats, including digital representations as seen in our pictures.


Our students have truly taken the wheel in this data-driven journey! From steering through surveys to cruising through graphs, they've shown that when it comes to statistics, they're in the driver's seat! 


Exploring 3D Shapes in Year 3 Geometry

Our 3 year students have been busily engaged in an exploration of the world of 3D shapes, and their corresponding nets. Our young mathematicians have learnt to identify and differentiate between cubes, pyramids, prisms, cylinders, spheres and cones, according to their properties. 


As part of their investigation, students discovered vertices (corners), faces and edges using group work to design various shapes with their bodies, promoting spatial awareness and collaboration. Armed with enthusiasm and an assortment of materials, students enjoyed the challenge of constructing their own 3D shapes. 


Students delved into the concept of “nets”, and practised folding and gluing the flat, 2D representations, transforming them into their corresponding 3D shapes, promoting problem-solving and critical thinking. We encourage families to continue to seek out 3D shapes in their environment to further enrich this educational adventure. 


Alex Lauder, Emily Sanders & Kirrilee Collins

Year 3/4 Teachers, Brooklyn Park