Year 5/6 News

Shark Tank Expo
On the 23rd of October, Year 5/6 had their Shark Tank Expo! For the past two terms, the Year 5/6s have been planning their invention or innovation. There were a number of groups that had been planning, drafting, thinking and building their product. It has been an exciting time for all the 5/6s, and the day had come for them to present their product. There were two voting tables with iPads for the Prep-Year 6 students to register their vote for their favourite product. They all voted and had their say on the products. Prior to that, the Year 5/6 students had presented to one of the three 5/6 teachers so they could get their vote in for the best presentation in each grade to present to the parents. There were 4 groups picked. The groups were “S.J. Fashion”, “Fridge on Wheels”, “Prima Punches” and “The Portawave”. Overall the students, parents and teachers enjoyed this day very much!
By Ava
Cooking With Julie
On Wednesday the 25th of October, the 5/6 classes did a cooking session with Julie. Each class followed a different recipe that Julie provided. 5/6D did Cornflake Cookies, 5/6B made Apple and Cinnamon Cookies, and 5/6W baked Chocolate Crackles and Honey Joys. Everybody had a go at completing a step in the recipe, and we got to wear aprons which made it feel very professional. After we finished measuring and mixing, we could watch them baking in the oven. Afterwards, we had a chance to eat the ones we made!
By Tenzin and Charlotte