Administration Updates

Payments And Permissions Now Due
Willum Warrain Aboriginal Centre Excursion (27th November 2023)
All Year 1/2 students
Due: 22/11/23
School Levies for 2023
All families
Parent Payments 2023
Thank you to all the parents who have finalised, or commenced, paying their child’s/children’s school levies for 2023.
The School Levies payment enables us to continue to offer programs across the school to enhance the learning of all students. It also covers all students' stationery, Art, Performing Arts and LOTE supplies for the year, as well as enabling us to be able to provide and upkeep our iPads and laptops across the school.
Parent payments are posted on Compass and can be paid through the Compass portal or, alternatively, through the school bank account, BPAY or by coming into the office and paying via cash or EFT.
Administration Staff