Student of the Week Awards
Presented 20/10/23
Student of the Week Awards
Presented 20/10/23
This award is presented to Ali for amazing me every single day with the positive attitude he displays at school. Ali is determined to continually improve his academic tasks and consistently show his HEART values. I have been so impressed this week with the effort he has taken with his information report on silk worms. Keep up all the great work you are doing Ali!
This award goes to Maddison for her great poetry writing this week! Maddison was able to use rhyming words and count her syllables to make a fantastic limerick poem! Not only did you follow the correct structure, your poem was also entertaining. Great job Maddison!
This award goes to Wil for being an active participant in class discussions. Wil is able to contribute some fantastic ideas and thoughts that help to consolidate his understanding of the topic being taught. Your participation is wonderful and a benefit to other students. Well done Wil.
Congratulations Violet for working hard in bringing out your creative side when writing your Haiku poem. The efforts seen reflects your determination spirt. Keep up the exceptional work!
Dante, you are a good friend to others. We have noticed you happily working, cooperating and collaborating with different students in the classroom. Keep it up!
This award goes to Athena for the fantastic introduction she wrote in her recount about the Space Discovery Dome. Your first two lines certainly captured the reader’s attention and made them want to read on. Well done Athena!
This award goes to Kai for demonstrating the HEART value of acceptance. When asked to work in small groups, Kai has been very thoughtful and quick to invite others to work with him so they are not left out. Well done Kai.
This award is for your continued efforts in improving your maths skills Sneha. I was really pleased to see your results in our post assessments, particularly with your money and financial mathematics knowledge. You have clearly been focused during the 5/6 PONT sessions and your hard work has paid off. Keep up the great work.
Darcy is to be congratulated this week for stepping up his learning to a new degree. Darcy has focused a lot on his reading, writing and maths goals and has shown that his determination to achieve his personal best can take him to wonderful places. I am SO proud of your achievements, Darcy. You should be too!
This award goes to Eva for the persistent attitude that she displayed in Maths this week. Eva developed her skills to estimate an angle and then carefully used a protractor to make accurate measurements. Wonderful effort!
This award goes to Jesse from 3/4B for his exceptional Ultimate Frisbee skills. Jesse showed resilience and persistence and his skills improved so much. I am so proud!
This award goes to Tommy for his superb, Sandra Silberzweig inspired, abstract portrait. Students in 3/4 are learning about analogous, complementary and contrast colours. Tommy worked creatively as he explored different colour groups and did a fantastic job when designing his portrait. Awesome work Tommy!
This award goes to Sophie for always doing her best. I greatly appreciate the tremendous effort you consistently puts into your work and your exceptional enthusiasm for all the tasks in Mandarin class. Congratulations!
Congratulations Hannah for your excellent effort and attitude in Performing Arts lessons. Very well done!