
Written by Year 11 VM

To Students and Parents,


We are Year 11 VM students and we want to share some important information about vaping and its potential dangers, especially for young people and teenagers. 


Firstly, did you know that e-cigarettes and vaping can pose serious health risks to teenagers? Nicotine is highly addictive, harmful, and commonly found in Vape. For young people, the risks are even greater because Nicotine exposure during teenage years can harm developing brains, affecting memory and concentration.


Studies have shown that teenagers who start vaping, are more than 3 times more likely to start smoking cigarettes in their twenties. This alarming fact highlights the effect of vaping and outlines the importance of addressing this issue.


Vaping isn't just about physical health, it can also impact mental well-being. Current e-cigarette users are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Vaping has also been linked to an increase in ADHD symptoms, which can affect the ability to focus and succeed in school. It has also been discovered that vapers can get COVID-19 2x higher than non-smokers. 


For adults using e-cigarettes, difficulties with concentration and decision-making are nearly twice as likely. This is a concern not just for our health but for our education as well.

The safety of e-liquids and vaping devices is very dangerous. E-liquids can spill or leak from containers, and these containers may be easily accessible to younger siblings/children. Ingesting e-liquid can be extremely dangerous and even life-threatening when swallowed.

E-cigarettes have also caused serious burns and explosion injuries. The components and capsules are choking hazards for young children, so it's very important that these products are stored safely and securely.


Here are some key take-home messages for everyone to remember:


Vaping is Harmful to Health: It's essential to recognize that vaping is harmful to our health, even if the e-cigarette doesn't contain nicotine. The chemicals in e-liquids and the act of inhaling vapor can have serious health issues.


All Vapes are Bad: Vaping devices, regardless of their design or flavour, are very harmful. They are not a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes and can lead to various health problems.


Strong Protections Needed: We need strong protections against both the vaping and tobacco industries to ensure that young people can’t easily access vapes


Smoking and Vaping are Leading Causes of Preventable Death and Disease: Smoking and vaping remain the single leading cause of preventable death and disease. It's important to understand that these habits have serious, long-term consequences.


You Don't Look Cool Vaping: It's a myth that vaping makes you look cool. In reality it can harm your health and negatively impact your image. We should focus on making smart, healthy choices instead.


We encourage parents to have open and honest discussions with their children about these important messages. Its important that we have the information and support to make healthy choices.



Year 11 VM Students


All Stats Found were off Quitline.