Message from Gemma

St Stephen's & St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Principal

Dear family and friends,


I hope you all had a lovely week and for many a long weekend. We welcome Joanne to St Gabriel’s next year. Joanne will join somewhere within the 3-6 hub and is an experienced teacher. 


You will see the new faces around in Term 4 as part of our transition for staff, all new staff are invited to transition within Term 4. This  certainly comes at cost financially however what we gain in practice, consistency and culture is well WORTH it. 


Louise will head over to St Stephen’s office in 2024 with Enza working on Fridays there.

Laura Verna will be in our St Gabriel’s office in 2024 - our growing enrolments will certainly keep Laura on her toes. 


Headstart for Prep 2024 

We have had a great start for our Preppies through Headstart - we give a huge thank you to Mel, Mariam and Nat for leading these sessions. All our 2024 Preps already feel part of the group. We are very excited for the future.


School Times for 2024:

Thank you for the over 50 responses to our google form. Our times will be as follows: 

Monday and Friday finish time 3.00pm 

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3.20pm


Remembrance Day 

This prayer seems so very real for our world right now. And feels we are living within this time. We pray for humanity and Peace for all. On Saturday, our school captains along with Mariam will lay a Wreath at Reservoir RSL to show and give our thoughts and respect.