

We have been busy in 5-6F and have really enjoyed some of the activities we have been doing.

E-Safety Incursion - Police Youth Resource Officers

This week the senior students had an incursion with the Police Youth Resource Officers. They came to educate us about bullying  and how to prevent it from happening. We learned that there are four types of bullying: social, verbal, physical and cyber bullying. Everyone participated in conversations with the officers and asked a lot of questions. We all had a fun time learning and listening. 

Inquiry - Zoo Economics

Our Inquiry unit this term is all about Economics. We have had rotations to learn about different aspects of this topic such as opportunity costs. An opportunity cost is when you make a decision and you have to consider what you missed out on as a consequence of that decision. 


We learned that we have limits to things we buy, use and consume. In this activity we made a zoo to help us understand economics and how companies use economics to make develop successful businesses. The activity was a success and all the students had fun creating beautiful pieces of work.

Literacy - Poetry

The 5/6 students have been learning about different styles of poetry. The types of poems that we have been exploring are shape and persona poems. Shape poems help us use our creativity and imagination whereas persona poems focused on personifying object. 


Shape Poems

We made poems in a shape to match the topic. We enjoyed making the shape poems because it has been a great outlet to be creative and express ourselves.  It was a lot of fun.


Persona Poems

We had to choose an item and write a poem from the perspective of that object. We made two persona poems. For the first poem, we had a go at writing this type of poem. For the second one we had to use at least four different poetic devices. We think that lots of the 5/6s enjoyed this activity of poetry. It was a great learning opportunity.

Religion - Human Dignity

What Does It Mean To Be Loved?

Recently, we have been learning about what it means to be loved in SJV. Our school teaches us to respect, trust and love others, especially those in need. We have also learnt about what and who makes us feel loved. The SJV community teaches students to love and to be loved by one another. Our parents take care of us because they teach us respect. Our work shows our reflection on these ideas. 

Indonesian Day

On the 25th of October, we celebrated Indonesian Day. It was extremely enjoyable and we had a blast dressing up in Indonesian cultural colours. The delicious food made by Year 6’s and the fun activities such as the Rama & Sita puppet show are things we all enjoyed. The parents came for morning tea and it was great to have them as guests. The Foundation and Grade 1/2s had a spectacular performance. They performed an Indonesian dance which they had been practising for.


We would like to say a huge thank you to all of who helped prepare and organise Indonesian Day and making it a memorable experience.