Resource Centre

Your help is needed as we begin our end of year process. This involves starting to recall books to undergo a stocktake and plan to improve and replace our collection so the experience is greater for our users. We would like to start on the 7-9 Fiction and Secondary Non-fiction collections over the coming weeks.
Thank you for supporting our Resource Centre and our School in developing lifelong readers and learners through purchasing books from Issue 7 of the Book Club. The orders arrived and have been distributed to classrooms.
We have been able to use some of the rewards that we learned from this issue to add new titles to our collection including a set of five “The Baby Sitters Club” graphic novel books 7-12.
We also obtained a set of four Football Superstars (Ronaldo, Neymar, Kane & Messi) books which flew out the door before we could even get a photo!
Lately, our very dedicated Resource Centre Team have been busy cataloging and covering books.
And yes! It has taken us some time but the donation we are making to Kindergarten and Year 3 are half way through being processed.
Thank-you for your ongoing support!
The Resource Team