Classroom & Curriculum News

laPrep Procedure:
Over the next few weeks we will be participating in some cooking lessons to pair with our writing topic and our inquiry topic which is the Stephanie Alexander garden. We have had fun practicing using our knife skills and being safe in the kitchen. Week one we made Fruit skewers and fruit icy pole cups. Week two we made banana berry smoothies- stay tuned for more 😊
Prep J Money shop
During the last two weeks we have been focusing on money in maths. On Thursday we opened the Prep J shop. We had to work out how much money we had, then find out the correct money we needed for the $2.50 lucky dip and then work out if we receive change or not. I did get asked a few times if I did ‘Tap and Go’, but we all managed to work out what coins were needed to buy the fun items.
Weekly Assembly Awards
There were no assemblies over the last two weeks due to the swimming program.
Happy Birthday to all students who got a year older and celebrated their Birthday since the last assembly!! We will celebrate all birthday
Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre- Year 6 Excursion
In preparation for their Confirmation, the Year 6 students attending the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre. They learnt about the life of St Mary MacKillop and her connection to the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. The students also went to St Patrick's Cathedral for afternoon Mass.
Please pray for the Year 6 Candidates as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation Friday 27th October.
House Colour Competition
In week 2, House Colour Competition involved a HUGE game of musical chairs.
There was lots of dancing, singing and chasing of empty seats.
In the end RED and GREEN house came a draw, each receiving 150 points!!
House Teams | Total Points |
Year 1/2 Sleepover
On Friday 13th October, the students in Year 1/2 had a sleepover at school. This was a very exciting event for the students, as they look to prepare for their upcoming school camps that start in Year 3. The students enjoyed having dinner together, playing games, watching a movie, eating popcorn and most importantly having fun at the sleepover. Dressed in pyjamas and with sleeping bags and pillow in tow, the students spent the night in the Treehouse room. Although it was a late night for some, it was amazing to see the students become very settled and enjoy the overall experience of the sleepover. After a morning wake up call, the students happily enjoyed pancakes and hash browns for breakfast, before packing up and returning home to loved ones who we are sure missed them for the night. Despite a lack of sleep for some, including the teachers, it was a such a fun night for everyone! Well done Year 1/2s.
School Colour Fang Run
Monday 30th October will be our School Colour Fang (Fun) Run. Please watch the video below to get a sense of what it will be like.
3/4 excursion to Old Treasury Building & Cook's Cottage
Excursion recount By Billy C 3/4
We got to school and were kind of unsure about the weather, but we started off on our excursion with a small walk to the train station. We stayed on the train until North Melbourne and then we got off the train and we went up an escalator then down the escalator to get to a different train. I can't remember how many stops we stayed on for, but when we got off we went to a fountain in Spring Street. I showed Pasquale, Oscar and Alessio my WWE cards but then it started raining so I got out my umbrella and we continued on to the old Treasury building.
We went into two important rooms, one belonged to the old Prime Minister. (in that room I got to sit in the Treasurer's seat.)
The next important room we went to was the Governor's room. I got to sit in her chair and we learned about what goes on in the room. Then it was time to leave. We thanked our tour guide and took a walk into the Fitzroy Gardens. We spotted a playground, but when I was walking to the park I fell over and broke my finger nail so I went to the teacher and got a bandaid then I ate my lunch with my friends and played in a park.
When it was time to go we stopped off at the Tudor Village. It was really pretty. When we got to Cook's Cottage we did 3 activities. My favorite was the activity where I got to wear the captain's hat. Then it was time to go. We thanked our tour guide heaps and then it was time to go. This may have been the most fun excursion of the year.
Excursion recount😃 Asha H 3/4WJ
All aboard!! We got on the train. We hopped off the first train then we walked to the next platform to get on the next train. The Train Conductor said “All aboard!!” We got off the train at Parliament Station and then we walked to a little spot to eat our fruit. When we had our fruit, we all made our way over to the Old Treasury Building. When we got there we had to split into 4 groups and there were 4 ladies that showed us around the building. The lady that showed my group around was called Gabrielle. We went into the vault where they kept the Gold from the Gold rush. There was a big nugget of gold that was worth 5 MILLION DOLLARS . Before we left the the Treasury Building we got photos in the photobooth and then we left. We sat out the front of the Old Treasury Building and had a snack then we went to a park to have lunch. We played for a bit and then we headed to Cook’s Cottage. On the way to Cook’s Cottage we saw a little fairy garden and at the fairy garden we were all looking at the small little houses. When we went to Cook’s Cottage there were different thing to do. The first thing my group did was a scavenger hunt and we did it in partners. I was with Stephanie and we got a little card and we had to find the things on the card. It could be inside or outside, for example our first card said look outside the cottage to find something they would use to hop on a horse. There were little cards on the things to tell what they used it for and then you had to take the card back to the lady and tell her how they used it. Then we went into the barn and there was a model of his ship and his clothes. There was a video on the tv and there were little animals in the corner. We went to the garden to sit and listen to a lady tell us about Captain Cook and there were pictures of him. It started to rain so we went into the cafe to finish the talk then we left. We made our way to the station and we waited for a bit. We had snacks and then the train came and we hopped on. We got off the train and waited for the second train and we sat down and waited and waited and waited and waited and then it finally came. We got off then we made our way back to school Miss Jones put on a movie for us then we had a snack and then we went home
Recount by Tegan 3/4M
It's finally the day for our excursion. I couldn't wait. We walked down to the train station in Yarraville from there, We went to North Melbourne station to swap trains, by the end we got off at Parliament. We walked from there to a little garden with a statue of Adam Lindsay and a waterfall to have some snacks. When we were here, Frankie [My bff] lost her tooth. We walked to the Old Treasury building from there. When we got there we were split into groups. In my group there was 1 teacher, 2 parents and 1 tour guide. We went inside to the Welcome Nugget room. The ‘Welcome Nugget’ or the ‘Welcome Stranger Nugget’ is a really really big nugget but sadly it's not a chicken nugget it's a golden nugget that is probably now worth millions of dollars. The next room was all about the protesting that the miners did about their mining licenses and freedom. There were lots of pictures and information, there was even a real gold tool that was used. It was a metal sift on a wooden slope. We then went to a room with pictures about how people came to Melbourne. They went in big boats but when the got to the pier they had to get on a little bout to get down the Yarra river and when they got to the end they got off and went to the building to sign who they were and where they came from.
After that we went upstairs to the governors room/the meeting room. I got to sit in the Governor's seat, that’s actually where he sits in real life. There was a picture of King Charles and the older kings and queens. After that we left and had lunch at a park and there was a French family on holiday that I talked to [the parents spoke English] then we walked past a fairy garden on the way to Cook’s Cottage. In my group first we had to partner up. I was with Kiera. We got a piece of paper that had the name of an item on it, its purpose, what we should find and where to look.
Excursion recount by Stella
On Friday 13th we went to THE OLD TREASURY BUILDING and COOK’S COTTAGE . We first went to THE OLD TREASURY BUILDING. There were lots of rooms in THE OLD TREASURY BUILDING . We went to see the model of THE WELCOME STRANGER and we also heard the story of it. We also went into the GOVERNORS ROOM which had one big chair at the front.
Next we went to COOK’S COTTAGE and did some activities. Our first activity was we would get a character and find what it says on the card and find where it was in the cottage. That was fun and our next activity was discovering more about captain cook and his voyages and finding more about the cottage. We saw his pirate hat which was cool. There was also a screen where we could find his voyages. Our last activity was finding out more about his last adventure and some special items. Then we got the train back to school but we had to be quiet because we were on the silent carriage, but it gave us a chance to have a rest.