The Principal's Desk

Dear parents, students, families and friends,
It is hard to believe that we are at the end of October. Walking through shops, especially the major retailers we have Halloween decorations alongside Christmas decorations. I have even seen advertising for Back to School 2024!!!! I am a traditional person and believe that each season has its place and should be given its proper time. It is too early to see Christmas decorations, hear Christmas Carols and seen banners proclaiming Merry Christmas before we have even celebrated Halloween and the Melbourne Cup Carnival.
Halloween has been rapidly growing in popularity over the last decade or so. It is a fun celebration that breaks the regular routine of life. The celebration of Halloween has its roots in Christian tradition. The word Halloween comes from the old name given to the day which was All Hallows Eve, hallow being another term for saint (saints are depicted with halos). So Halloween is the eve (evening) before All Saints Day on Novemebr 1st.
Friday evening most of our Year 6 students celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was a beautiful and spiritual liturgical celebration. Though nervous, the candidates read well and participated fully in the mass. They all made thoughful choices as to their saint names. At a time in the year and their journey through primary school, it is wonderful to see them maturing both academically and spiritually.
Fang Run Fundraiser
The excitement is growing for the Fang Run Fundraiser. If you haven't yet registered your child, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Currently we have about 57 students registered. We still need parent volunteers to assist on the day squirting coloured water and slime at the kids (who wouldn't volunteer to do that??).
The Fang Colour Run will be held on Monday 30th October, the eve of Halloween. It will be held during the second half of the day starting at about 1.10pm on the senior basketball court. All children are to bring clothes to change into for the Fang Run, with a white or light coloured t-shirt highly recommended to get the most impact of the coloured slime and water. Congraluations to Pascale and Gabriel on winning a pack og Uno cards each. Also congratulations to Prep J for the highest number of donations, they all won a Zooper Dooper, which they enjoyed one day after swimming!
No Standing Zone
Just a reminder that the area designated by the red arrowed line is a No Standing Zone. This area is NOT to be used for drop off. No parent can stop anywhere within this area, especially on the raised crossing. The drop off zone is immediately before this. If there is no space here to pull in, then proceed around the block to Avoca Street. Lately, I have noticed some parents stopping illegally to drop off their children in this area over the past few weeks. For the safety of students and pedestrians and to maintain the flow of traffic, I ask that no one stop in the No Standing Zone. Thank you to everyone who is following the road rules around our school, ensuring our students arrive and depart safely.
Parent Volunteers for the Parents & Friends Committee
The Parents and Friends Committee provides a vital and invaluable service to our school, organising fundraising and social events throughout the year. The school would not be able to bridge the gap in funding provided by the government without their efforts. government schools are fully funded by the government. Catholic schools receive about 70 cents to every dollar a government school receives. At the end of this year we will have a number of parent volunteers leaving the school or stepping down from their roles due to changing work committments.
This is an urgent callout for new members and volunteers for 2024. I understand that we all have busy lives, however, this is one case in particular where the saying rings true - 'more hands make light work'.
Officially there are the lead roles of President, Secretary and Treasurer. These people are responsible for the overall coordination of the committee, however they cannot be expected to do it all and run everything. We also need members to be able to attend the monthly meetings to discuss ideas and take on organising roles. Added to this we also need volunteers for each event throughout the year. At the first meeting of the year a calendar of events will be prepared with teams of volunteers added to each event. We look forward to seeing some new faces on the committee next year as well as some returning familiar faces.
NCCD (Nationally Consistent Collection of Data)
Please read the attached letter below which explains which explains the purpose of the collection of data for students requiring adjustments to be made to support them in their learning and engagement at school.
For those who were not able to attend the assembly two weeks ago where the Emerging Leaders & World Youth Day teachers presented their experience to the community, you can find the presentation as an attachment on the Religious Education and Faith Page.
Upcoming events:
Monday 30th October- Fang Run Fundraiser
Friday 3rd November - School Cross Country Carnival
Monday 6th November - School Closure
Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 10th November - Year 3 - 6 School Swimming Carnival
Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th November - Year 3/4 Camp at Sovereign Hill
Friday 8th December - Year 6 Big Day Out
Tuesday 12th December - St Augustine's Christmas Carols
Wednesday 13th December - Whole School End of Year Fun Day
Thursday 14th December - Whole School End of Year Mass
Thursday 14th December - Year 6 Graduation Liturgy, Ceremony and Dinner
Friday 15th December - End of Term and Year 1.15pm Dismissal
I wish everyone a Happy Halloween with more treats than tricks.
I also wish everyone a Holy All Saints Day.
Kind regards,
Matthew Stead