From the Assistant Principal
On Friday, student reports will be released via Compass. Teachers have spent many hours writing these reports to provide parents and guardians with an understanding of how their child is progressing against a number of curriculum areas that have been taught in Semester 1. Each year we seek feedback from students, teachers, School Council or parents around our reporting process. In response to this, this year we have moved to a five point scale for Learning Effort against English and Mathematics as well as Classroom Behaviour on our Social and Personal Page.
The new five point scale is:
Excellent, Very Good, Good, Developing, and Needs Attention
As part of our reporting process, we also provide two formal opportunities for parents to meet with teachers – Our Getting to Know You Meetings in February as well as our Mid-Year Parent-Teacher Interviews for students in Foundation – Year 2 and our Three-Way Conferences for students in Year 3-6. We strongly recommend that parents and carers make every attempt to attend these meetings as we strive to build a partnership with home and school, and positive relationships with students, staff and families. As part of a school goal around developing student voice and agency, students in Years 3-6 will also be required to join the meeting and lead the conference at a designated point.
Bookings are now open via Compass for meetings with classroom teachers as well as Specialist teachers. As there are only a limited number of appointments with specialist teachers across the school, this year we have limited interviews to only two bookings per family.
It is strongly advised for all parents to read their child's report prior to attending their child’s mid-year conferences so teachers can talk to any questions you may have.
This year, four of our Oakleigh staff have undertaken a 4 day intensive course on the Berry Street Educational Model. The BSEM is an educator-designed and evidence led framework for teaching and learning, that empowers teachers to create classrooms where every student is ready to learn and able to thrive.
Berry Street is an organisation that also supports the foster care system and has been doing so for over 145 years. They currently are in need of more foster carers. Click the link below if this something your family could consider – opening your home to a child or young person in need.
Bron Orr
Assistant Principal