From the Principal
Multicultural Festival Day
On Thursday 27th June we are holding a Multicultural Festival Day. On this day we are celebrating all the beautiful cultures represented within our community and we encourage students, staff and families to wear clothing that represents their culture. This might be traditional clothing or clothing in the colour of your flag. Junior School Council are raising money for the Cancer Council so please bring a gold coin donation.
There will be a whole school assembly in the morning at 9.10am in the gym. All members of our community are welcome to attend. Students will participate in a parade to display their clothing and we have performances from local community groups and South Oakleigh College. The Multicultural Festival Day will be a terrific event for our staff and students and we hope everyone enjoys the day.
Have you seen the new display in the foyer? Thank you to Deb and Vas for their wonderful 'Everyone is welcome at OPS' display. The word 'Welcome' is written in over 30 different languages and represents all of the wonderful and diverse cultures within our community. Come in and have a look and if your home language isn’t there, please let us know!
2025 Foundation enrolments
A reminder to our current families with Kinder age children - enrolments for 2025 Foundation are being taken now. All enrolment applications must be completed online using this link - please ensure you secure your child's place for Foundation 2025 as soon as possible.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Team - Student Counsellors
I am delighted to introduce our two new Student Counsellors Lisa Gatliff and Riva Dhingra. Both Lisa and Riva make wonderful additions to the Oakleigh PS staff, and bring expertise and knowledge which will greatly support our students, staff and families. Lisa and Riva will form the Mental Health and Wellbeing Team at OPS, you will find additional information about them including how to connect on the Student Wellbeing page in this newsletter. Please join me in welcoming both Lisa and Riva to the OPS community.
There have been cases of headlice at school recently. Can I please ask all parents/carers to be vigilant in inspecting their child’s head for headlice and ensure long hair is tied back. Students with untreated headlice are not permitted to attend school.
Parents approaching other Parents with concerns
Recently there have been incidences where parents/carers are approaching other parents/carers in the yard raising concerns. Anything that is related to the students at Oakleigh Primary School must not be addressed by parents to other parents. I encourage you to call the school and make an appointment with myself or Bron and we will address the matter accordingly.
Have a great week,
Kellie Stewart
Acting Principal