Compass News and Events

Please check Compass for this weeks' news and events.

Compass Events:

Life Education Victoria Visit 2024
Year 4 Indigenous Landscapes Tour - City Walking Tour
Division Cross Country 2

Compass News:

Book Club Issue 4
RHUniforms Retail School Transition to Spartan School World
ISS Fixture
LAST CHANCE to purchase ENPS 100 Year T-Shirt
100th Anniversary Special Day story and photos
ENPS 100th Birthday Merchandise
Information for Prep Parents
Enrolments for Prep 2025 are now open

Trays and Platters to be picked up from the staff room.

Thank You to all parents who contributed to the 100th birthday morning tea, your plates, platters or trays are waiting to be picked up from the staff room. 

100th  Year Merchandise