Wellbeing and Engagement

Heather McClure

Attitudes to school student survey:

The Attitudes to school student survey (AtoSS) is a voluntary annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools and the department to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. We value student voice at Woodmans Hill, as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and will be asking your child about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.

The survey commenced this week and will continue until June 14th. Each homegroup will be allocated a time to complete the survey and members of the leadership team will support the facilitation of the survey. 


Mobile Phones

Woodmans Hill is a phone free zone between 9am-3.15pm.  Phones should be silent and invisible. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones during the school day. If you need to contact your child for urgent matters during the day you can do so by contacting the school on 53 367 264

We have seen an increase in students using their mobile phones to contact parents & guardians during the school day. Please discuss with your child the appropriate ways to make contact with you (if essential) during school hours.


Uniform reminder:

All students are expected to be in FULL school uniform every day, including traveling to and from school and on excursions.  Our uniform represents both individual and collective pride. A uniform ensures inclusivity whilst attending school. Students participate in a range of subjects including practical based subjects (such as Science and Technology) which have strict OHS requirements. 

On rare occasions when an item of uniform is unable to be worn, students are expected to provide a signed note from a Parent/Guardian detailing a clear reason for being out of uniform.  Students will be issued with a uniform pass ( prior to the start of the school day) which they must carry throughout the day. Students out of uniform without the required permission and pass will be issued with a detention.

Students are required to bring their PE Uniform on PE days only and students will change in/out of uniform during their scheduled PE classes. Students CAN NOT wear their PE uniform outside of scheduled practical PE classes.

If you require support in purchasing uniform due to financial difficulties, please reach out to the school office or contact your childs Year Level Leader. There is a limited amount of of second hand uniform available through our second hand uniform shop. Please contact the office with enquires.

Hooded jumpers are NOT uniform and students will be asked to remove these jumpers when arriving to school. Students who wish to ‘layer up’ are encouraged to do so however must wear neutral layers that can not be seen underneath uniform items.


Mother’s and special persons morning tea

On Friday 10th May, I had the pleasure to attend the Mother’s and Special Persons morning tea. Not only was I there to support my VM class in organizing and preparing the morning tea but representing the Junior school staff as the year 7 were invited to attend with their Mother/ Special person.

Whilst we enjoyed a ‘cuppa’ and a piece (or two) of slice and cake it was fantastic to engage in conversation with so many of our students who were excited to share a special memory with an important person. Huge congratulations to the year 12 VM class who planned, coordinated and prepared the morning tea. I know how much thought went into the morning and you should be very proud of your efforts.


Heather McClure

Acting Assistant Principal

Engagement & Wellbeing.