Learning and Teaching

Steve Sirrals

Revising Homework Policy

Currently at Woodmans Hill, we are revising our Homework Policy. Homework can have a positive effect on learning and is an important part of reinforcing the concepts that are introduced in class. It also plays a significant role in building work ethic, self-discipline and responsibility. 

Our current draft has gone to Key Learning Area Leaders (KLALs) for unpacking and creating shared understanding and to School Council for consultation and feedback. Soon it will be shared more broadly with students and staff for feedback and taken back to School Council, before it is then implemented.

Unpacking the policy with staff and students will focus on what effective and useful homework is at Woodmans Hill.

We want homework to be:

  • purposeful
  • curriculum-aligned
  • appropriate to students’ skill level and age
  • designed to help students develop as independent learners
  • monitored by the teacher
  • where appropriate, provide opportunities for parents/carers to partner in their child’s learning.

Homework should be either:

  • solidifying the learning of a lesson just taught, and/or;
  • offering opportunity for further extension, and/or;
  • preparing for an upcoming lesson so as to enhance the learning experience.

Homework should not be punitive.

Assigning specific hours for homework based on student year level is not useful and realistic. Each subject has its own needs for homework and every lesson within a subject area is different and has its own requirements. 

Our work as a staff will be ensuring homework is purposeful and valuable and that it supports and enhances the learning in class.

Once our homework policy has gone through final revision and has been implemented, we will communicate the policy on future Newsletters and the school website.


Curriculum Audit

We are currently in the planning stages for our upcoming Curriculum Audit. One of the criteria for an effective, purposeful and relevant curriculum is if the curriculum is always evaluated or reviewed, whilst being developed continuously, in order for it to suit our students needs and ensure it adheres to the Standards set out in the Victorian Curriculum. To carry out evaluation, review or curriculum development, it is necessary to audit the curriculum.

The Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA) develops and implements curriculum and assessment for all Victorian schools. The VCAA is currently producing the new Victorian Curriculum 2.0, to be implemented over the coming years, so the upcoming curriculum audit at Woodmans Hill offers good preparation for this.

This means we are continually developing and revising our curriculum to ensure it is the relevant and targeted to student needs.



Exams are taking place in upcoming weeks. Timetables will be communicated over Compass and support and guidance will be provided leading up to exams by classroom teachers.

Exams can be stressful for students. If you are concerned about your child’s regarding their exams, please contact their Home Group teacher for further support.