Curriculum and Learning

2024 Senior Ethics Olympiad

On Friday, 3 May, Year 10 and 11 students participated in the 2024 Senior Ethics Olympiad Competition. These students were self-nominated and willingly sacrificed multiple lunchtimes to train for the event. Throughout these sessions, they analysed various case studies presenting ethical dilemmas, formulating well-structured, logical answers to questions derived from the cases. On the day of the event, students participated in various heats where they collaborated with other schools, discussing, and analysing real-life ethical issues. They defended their positions under timed conditions, demonstrating deep, perceptive thinking. Despite their best efforts, our students received honourable mentions which is testament to their ethical awareness, critical thinking, civil discourse, and appreciation for diverse perspectives. A huge thank you to Ms. Viney for her dedication to our students by leading and facilitating this opportunity throughout the year. 

The Ethics Olympiad was a highly enjoyable and enriching experience where I was able to respectfully discuss and challenge ideas held by myself, my friends and complete strangers. It helped to expand my understanding of ethics, as well as challenging me to think on my feet …….
This competition has high value as it challenges the minds of young people and inspires innovative and creative thinking on complex issues within our society - which is only beneficial for our growth as members of a global community.

                                                                                                                               Arthur Haddad

Isaac Tannous, Arthur Haddad, Michael De Vitis, Aiden Park, Christopher Mok, Denzel Tan, Ms Heidi Viney.
Isaac Tannous, Arthur Haddad, Michael De Vitis, Aiden Park, Christopher Mok, Denzel Tan, Ms Heidi Viney.
Ms Heidi Viney, Michael Atra, Christopher Costa, Xavier Antunes, William Ters, Matthew Badran.
Ms Heidi Viney, Michael Atra, Christopher Costa, Xavier Antunes, William Ters, Matthew Badran.

Felicia Ho                                                                            Heidi Viney 

HSIE A Faculty                                                                 Diverse Learning Team