Wellbeing - Middle School

Learning and wellbeing- working hand in hand!

Last Friday at our Middle School assembly, we had a variety of speakers promoting many aspects of teaching, learning and well-being across the College. Our assemblies, as I write about, are a fantastic opportunity whereby we gather as a Middle School community and items are presented by staff and students that speak to the importance of learning and wellbeing working hand in hand to garner the best educational, social, and inter-personal outcomes for our students.


Our College Captain, Michael Sakr spoke very eloquently about change and challenge:

 “It’s in these times where we truly understand what it means to be challenged. And it’s only once we’re challenged that we’re provided with an exciting opportunity to change. Change is an inevitable part of the challenges we experience. Challenges can possibly be life changing experiences, but often they are little moments in our everyday life that call us to act a little different, see things a little different, and understand a little different.” 

As such he challenged us all and in-fact the consequences of refusing to accept changes caused by challenges creates a struggle for our young men in their development. Thus, Michael posed us all with the question, 

can we truly live our lives without appreciating change?”

Our Learning and Technology Prefect, Jeremy Simonetto spoke about one of the current educational challenges that we face- that being Artificial Intelligence (AI). He said that: 

"AI, a term that evokes both fascination and apprehension, has permeated various facets of our educational systemWhen people copy blindly from an AI program, they’re simply getting nothing out of it except for a dull slab of text. And, sometimes, the content it spits out isn’t even good. If quotes or evidence is asked for, a lot of what is provided is simply made up. Ultimately, he left us with a challenge- that AI can be pretty useful in some instances. But, when you use it, you have to ask yourself if you’re really benefiting from it. At the end of the day, it should be a tool, not an answer sheet."

Market Day was promoted at last week's College Assembly by Samuel Naccarella (Year 9), with a short engaging video, and we wish the Commerce students all the best with their upcoming event. This is a long-standing event at our College as part of the boy’s studies and there is such a buzz created this year. It also gives us a chance to showcase our cultural diversity with different spices, flavours, and tastes across many of the background’s celebrated at the College.


Finally, our College Principal Dr Lavorato addressed the College and spoke strongly about respecting each other, masculinity and what constitutes the measure of a man. That: 

"our men here at St Patrick’s College are encouraged, challenged and ultimately leave as resilient, spirited, and inclusive young men ready for life beyond school. Ultimately that our students leave as men who are strong, caring, and respectful to ALL in and outside of our community.

Alexandros Sinadinos

Director of Middle School