Wellbeing - Senior School

RSB Survey Feedback

Over the coming weeks feedback and observations from the recently completed Relationships, Safety and Bullying Survey will be shared with the community. This year, over 1,250 students [80%] across Years 5 to 12 participated in the survey. 

A snapshot of the data:

  • Over 83% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they felt a connection and a sense of belonging at the College.
  • Over 82% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they felt respected by their teachers.
  • Over 77% of students agreed or strongly agreed that there were good relationships between students and teachers.
  • Over 86% of students agreed or strongly agreed that there was encouragement to treat others with respect.
  • Over 84% of students agreed or strongly agreed that they had learned a lot about being safe online.

Areas for Attention:

  • A number of students indicated that they were not aware of the location of the three full-time counsellors - these are located in the Student Services Area on the ground floor of the Hanrahan Building.
  • Similarly, many students were not aware of the College’s Child Safeguarding Officers - these are currently Dr Lavorato [Principal], Mr Byrne [Deputy Principal], Mr Sinadinos [Director of Middle School] and Mr Simpson [Director of Senior School].
  • Continuing to develop approaches to provide students opportunities to be part of decision-making processes.
  • Continuing to refine and develop activities that promote interaction between students from different cohorts.
  • Continued education for students to build their sense of empathy and respect for others to help reduce incidences of comments that are perceived as verbal bullying.

These results are comparable to previous surveys conducted since 2017.

Senior Wellbeing 

As we approach the mid-point of Term 2, it is timely to reflect on the focus areas that each cohort in the Senior School is addressing within their allocated Year Coordinator Meetings and Pastoral Care Lessons (PCLs).


Year 9 

‘Respectful Relationships’ was the theme for Semester 1 Year Coordinator Meetings focusing on respecting your friends, your teachers, your families, and yourselves. This flowed on into International Women’s Day, where we looked at respectful relationships with women. We then looked at ‘Bullying’ and the difference between an ‘Upstander’ and ‘Bystander’ and the flow on effects of the victims of bullying. We will continue to build on this for the remainder of Term 2. In the PCLs. Term 1 focused on a debrief from camp, followed by ‘Harmony Day’ activities which led into activities on ‘Consent’ to end Term 1. We have spent the start of Term 2 focusing on organisational and study skills needed in this stage of their schooling. We are going to continue our focus on their study skills and how to better prepare themselves for their future.


Year 10

Pastoral Care Lessons have been a great opportunity for homeroom teachers and students to connect and deepen their rapport with one another. So far, Year 10 have covered an array of topics, including goal setting, International Women’s Day, Harmony Week, consent, gratitude and lastly, road safety. Last week’s focus on road safety, was consolidating their knowledge gained at the RYDA excursion day. I’ll be continuing to reach out to students in Year 10, to gain some feedback of potential PCL themes that they’d like to cover, giving student agency. 


Year 11 

Under the branch of our 2024 theme ‘Grow Stronger Together’, Year 11 have been building strong foundations with a focus on attention management and academic wellbeing. The aim has been to upskill the students in setting clear goals and assist them in developing healthy habits in preparation for the assessment block early this term. The cohort is fostering a sense of collaboration and understanding the need to work together to support each other through crucial moments throughout their senior years. This will filter on as the focus will shift towards championing resilience as later this term, we aim to tackle some challenging topics that youth face in their daily lives.


Year 12 

During Term 2, Year 12 have reflected on the past 12 months while thinking about their final five months at the College. Through YCMs and PCLs, students have looked at the experiences that have shaped them thus far in Stage 6, written some words of advice for Year 11 students as those students begin their senior studies, and looked at the legacy that they wish to leave as they prepare to conclude their time at SPC.


Robert Simpson

Director of Senior School